'The Question' - Selected Poem from the book 'Mirror of Time - An Anthology of Poems' by Gautam Maitra
In the star-studded hot summer night,
The kid asked me
While sitting on the roof,
Dad, when I will become a star-like your dad?
In such a novice mind,
how will I make him realise
the play of life and death?
Once in a while,
sitting at a family get together,
he came running down the lane,
and sat beside me and asked,
why men and women wear different
formal wears?
Why my aunts and mother carry the red mark of marriage
on the border of the forehead where
the hair split,
but you have none?
He was surprised.
I didn't know how to explain the
patriarchal aggression.
One day, he angrily asked,
Why some get burnt on death, while
others preserved in burial.
I told the kid , that’s the death
Then he pleaded for favour, papa when I will die,
Put me up in the banyan tree in the
So I could chat with the crows and
play with sparrows
When sun rays would enter my nest.
And in the night, when you will switch
off light
And look at the banyan tree to say
I will still not sleep, papa
As the owl couple would return for a
When I said, okay, I will call the
carpenter tomorrow,
He would fly away like a sparrow.
One day he would suddenly come to my
And sit next to me, and ask,
Why do we worship idols and the
scavenger uncles who come here weekly
Told me, they worship only the trees.
I told the kid, listen, don’t worry
They are not us. They are an ancient native tribe.
The kid listened and flew away like a
After a long time, one day as I was
staring on the balcony
watching two quarrelling sparrows in a
The Kid came running down and joined
Suddenly an eagle came in a flash and
Took away in its claw, one of the
The Kid became angry and shouted at
the eagle.
I told the kid, that’s the way we live
on earth.
If we quarrel, another would take
The Kid nodded and again flew away
like a sparrow.
Poem - Question (Audio Link ) - Recited by Jayanti M
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