NGOs in the holy land of Bengal


After staying years away from the home, sometimes you feel the pain that you wish you could give the whole life for the welfare of the society. Banglar janya mon kemon kore. gram banglar roop ta jhakan maner aanginai bhase, mone hai ken jiban ta gramer dhulo makaha rastai katea deeina?( My mind yearns for Bengal, when the beauty of rural bengal flashes in my mind, I ask my mind why not spend the rest of my life on the dusty roads of Bangla!

Jiban ta paisar aar sonsarer jatakole aaman bhabhe phasa, iicha thakleo durbal maner manusher pichutan ta boro bhoi paiee dei.( My life is so miserably chained in the wheel of  family and money, even if I wish I get frightened by my weaker mind pulling me back.

That day I decided I would like to get engaged  with any hard working anonymous NGO who serve a small section of the Bengal hinterland without political affiliation and bias.

I know of many heroes of Bengal, many unsung heroes of Bengal who have had selflessly untiringly serving for the uplift of our community.

Many known and unkniwn NGOs operating in Bengal. A few are famous. A few never heard of them. Some appears dubious and requires integrity screening and certification by  appropriate authorities. There are still a few making a valiant effort to survive against all odds. Here are the list for those who look to donate and those who look to volunteer, and for those who wish to create new ones. 


NGO of the NGOs – certifyig NGOS 

Many known and unkniwn NGOs operating in Bengal. A few are famous. A few never heard of them. Bani Mandir   South 24 Paraganas Distict. - West Bengal 

Bani Mandir

Mission/Vision :

Our mission is to take up maintenance and up-keep of destitute orphan children and poor school going children,isolated elderly persons and woman empowrment by upgrading their Socio-economic status and controlling water borne diseases. 

Background :

A few local school teachers took initiative to have a platform where they could render help to the poor and most needy persons in distress for Development of Socio-Economic and established Bani Mandir in 1945 August.

The General Secretary Mr. Somendra Nath Mondal, is a full time social worker and has over 36 years of experience in projects and programmes aimed at the welfare of the children, youth, women and elderly. He makes the policy with their G.B. members and advises the staff for executing the works smoothly. He motivates S H G group leader’s beneficiaries and staff. His acamedic qualification is B.A. (Graduate). Mr. Mandal has taken many training as a Sicial Animator.

You can communicate with Bani Mandir at Somendra Nath Mandal Vill. Khordanahala P.O. Sadhurhat- South 24 Paraganas Distict. - 743504,India Or you can reach Bani Mandir here 

Phone : 91 31 74244290

Fax : 91 31 74244291

E-mail :

Website :

Child In Need Institute   Kolkata - West Bengal

Child In Need Institute

Mission/Vision :

Sustainable development in health, nutrition, education and protection of child, adolescent and woman in need. 

Background :

In 1974 CINI started with a small under 5 clinic for malnourished children by Dr. S.N. Chaudhuri, Sister Pauline and Rev. Henrichs. In 1975, Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre was established. The aim was to fight malnutrition at the root level.

Dr.Chaudhury is a paediatrician and past President of Voluntary Health Association of India. He holds many prestigious positions in the sector and in government including the national Commission of Nutrition.

You can communicate with Child In Need Institute at Dr. S.N. Chaudhuri Vill: Daulatpur, Via Joka- Kolkata - 700104,India Or you can reach Child In Need Institute here   

Phone : 91 33 24978192

Fax : 91 33 24978241

E-mail :

Website :

Divya Chaya Trust   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

Divya Chhaya Trust, a non-government organisation headquartered in Kolkata, has been working silently and painstakingly to extend a helping hand to destitute children and needy women. 

Background :

Divya Chaya Trust was established in 1984 with an objective to extend a helping hand to orphan and destitute children and provides them with a second chance in life.

A dedicated social activist, Rekha Mody founded organisations like stree shakti and Habiart Foundation. She is also a Governing Body member of Mody Institute of Education and Research (MIER), Rajasthan. Rekha believes – “If only the women of the world would come together they could display such heroic non-violence as to kick away the atom bomb like a mere ball” – M K Gandhi

You can communicate with Divya Chaya Trust at Ms Sonamon Basu 8B Middleton Street- Kolkata - 700071,India Or you can reach Divya Chaya Trust here 

Phone : 91 33 40062945

E-mail :

Website :

Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

To create a society where every individual can look forward to a promising future while living in a secure and stable present 

Background :

ERDS was set up in 1982 to change the economic and social condition of the downtrodden in the rural areas of West Bengal. It strives to uplift the rural poor by making them self reliant.

Mr. Madhu Basu started his career as a teacher. Driven by his strong urge to serve the society he founded ERDS. He believes “Development is not theory, it stands on practical work.

You can communicate with Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) at Madhu Basu 6, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Ground Floor, Room No. 3- Kolkata - 700001,India Or you can reach Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) here 

Phone : 91 33 22486888

E-mail :

Website :

Paripurnata Half-Way Home   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

The Paripurnata is a body of persons concerned with and committed to the promotion of wholeness of human growth particularly in the rehabilitation of those non criminal women who have mental health problems and are confined in West Bengal jails and also those women in mental hospitals who have undergone treatment and are ready for rehabilitation 

Background :

Paripurnata was established in 1991 in Calcutta, to treat, shelter and rehabilitate mentally ill women. It is the first centre in West Bengal rehabilitating mentally ill women. As the conditions in the Jails for the NCLs. (Non Criminal Lunatics) was apalling and inhuman, a few civic minded people got togather and thought of starting a rehabilitation centre, where these people could be sheltered to undergo the psychosocial rehabilitation programme. Later, mentally ill women from Govt. mental hospitals and recently wandering mentlaly ill women from another NGO are accomodated.

Dr J Siromoni is a medical graduate from Christian Medical College, Vellore. She has been intensively involved in the social service since 1968. She believes in “Unconditional love, which has great healing power.” She received the WARP – (Indian Chapter) award for life time service. She also received an award from CMC Vellore for her dedicate service. To work with mentally ill people, we need commitment, motivation, warmth & care and above all love.

You can communicate with Paripurnata Half-Way Home at Shri Prabir Basu 1912, Panchasayar Road, P O Panchasayar- Kolkata - 700094,India Or you can reach Paripurnata Half-Way Home here 

Phone : 91 33 64170302

E-mail :

Website : 

Parivaar Education Society   District 24 Parganas - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

To change the lives of homeless, family-less, destitute children by permanent rehabilitation in a loving and caring environment, and through the benefits of long-term education creating the soil on which children can realise their full potential and grow into socially worthy individuals 

Background :

Inspired by the spiritual and humanistic ideals of Swami Vivekananda, Shri Vinayak Lohani started Parivaar to change the lives of destitute children. Starting with just 3 children in a small rented building there are currently 407 children who have found a new Home, Family and Future at Parivaar.

Founder and Head of Parivaar, Shri Vinayak Lohani had his education from IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta. Inspired by the spiritual and humanistic ideals of Swami Vivekananda, he started Parivaar as a humanitarian service organisation in 2003.

You can communicate with Parivaar Education Society at Vinayak Lohani Parivaar Ashram, Village Barkalikapur P.O. Bakhrahat- District 24 Parganas - 700104,India Or you can reach Parivaar Education Society here 

Phone : 91 33 2495 4171

E-mail :

Website :


Towards Future   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

Offering opportunities for basic education. Access to primary and vocational education. Reduce infant mortality. Improve Health & Hygiene. Promote sustainable economic development. Promoting women empowerment. Conserve and protect ecology and environment 

Background :

A few like minded people willing to contribute their time, resources and emotion to the weaker section of the society, have managed to form an organization named Towards Future.

She is working in the NGO world and Social working organizations for last fifteen years. Since 1995, after completion of her masters in Sociology, she devoted herself into this area and possesses rich experience of working in different NGOs like Child in Need Institute, Alakendu Bodh Niketan, Association for Social & Health Advancement, Sanhita etc. She also worked as CEO of Divya Chaya Trust for last seven years. She acted as visiting faculty of Jadavpur University to educate students on Family planning, and Public Health. Supriya is also an Accredited Partnership Broker certified by Overseas Development Institute and International Business Leaders Forum, UK.

You can communicate with Towards Future at Supriya Roy Chowdhury 4 A, Keshab Apartments, 3rd floor, 6,Dumdum Park- Kolkata - 700055,India Or you can reach Towards Future here 

Phone : 91 33 25905411

E-mail :

Website :


Vikahar Paribar Bikash Kendra   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

Upliftment of weaker and underpriviliged segment of society through proper utilization of indigenous resources and thus to make a self-reliant society. 

Background :

The northern part of West Bengal is considered as one of the most backward regions in the country. Moved by the plight of the people in this region, a group of youth began VPBK in 1986 under the leadership of Provat Kumar Mitra.

Provat Kumar Mitra, the Secretary, has been associated with various development activities since his boyhood. A dedicated philanthropic, he loves to live with the rural people & feels an urge to find newer ways of fighting rural poverty.

You can communicate with Vikahar Paribar Bikash Kendra at Provat Kumar Mitra 6, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Ground Floor, Room No.3, Kolkata: 700001- Kolkata - 700001,India Or you can reach Vikahar Paribar Bikash Kendra here 

Phone : 91 33 22486888

E-mail :

Website :


Vivekananda Seva Samity   Narendrapur - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

The vision of VSS is to facilitate a process of participatory development to ensure entitlement of the marginalized population. 

Background :

Every human being has a commitment to the society. Some youth wanted to fulfill their obligation towards society. Ultimately in the year 1968-69 Vivekananda Seva Samity (VSS) emerged by virtue of the selfless effort of those energetic youths.

Samaresh Ray is an Advocate. He is a committed Social Worker. He says that every human being ought to have a commitment towards society.

You can communicate with Vivekananda Seva Samity at Samaresh Ray Sujoy Chatterjee C/o VSS, Mandir Apartment Flat C Block 3 104 NSC Bose Road- Narendrapur - 700103,India Or you can reach Vivekananda Seva Samity here 

Phone : 91 33 65331605

E-mail :


Vivekananda Seva Sangha   Kolkata - West Bengal

Mission/Vision :

Vivekananda Seva Sangha envisions a society that will be free from all sorts of discrimination, oppression and exploitation. A society that will promote egalitarian values and practices. 

Background :

A group of local youths were inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda that to serve Humanity is to serve GOD. Hence they formed Vivekananda Seva Sangha to serve the poor and needy villagers.

The head of the organization is now a retired teacher. He was in this profession for the last 35 years. His motto is "Commitment towards society is a must to make life meaningful."

You can communicate with Vivekananda Seva Sangha at Harebrahma Neogy H.B. Neogy, Mayer Ashirbad, Gr. Floor, Shop No 3, 403, Ramakrishna Nagar, Hindustan More, Garia- Kolkata - 700153,India Or you can reach Vivekananda Seva Sangha here 

Phone : 91 9836408776

E-mail : 

Aashar Aalo

Add: Gabberia 

Daimond Harbour - 743336

West Bengal

Tel : 91-3174-213909

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Nantu Kumar Bhandari, Managing Trustee 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : The objects of the trust includes formal non-formal education, promotion of health care, hygiene and family welfare training for building up of skills, knowledge among the rural masses, promotion of all kinds of economic and social and spiritual activities for the benefit of rural and urban people, promotion of small industries and crafts, fisheries, irrigation and agriculture, forestry, energy, savings & credit, mother and child care, income generation programmes and environmental programmes etc. 

For attainment of visionary spectacle mission would be to take resource to the path of relentless development under various paradigms of social service sector-through continuous assimilation of human, local, internal and external resources. 


24 Parganas Practitioners Association of Alternative Medicine 

Add: C/o Dr. Debraj Roy 

2, Basunagar 

Kolkata - 700129 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-332-5385165, 91-094330 25165 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Debraj Roy 

Purpose : Donation and other assistance so far. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote free health check up camp, free medicine distribution, various awareness camp of health and establish hospital, poly clinic, diagnostic center for the benefit of the rural people.   

To identify specific cerebral, cardiac, renal, respiratory, eye and other major health anomaly of the rural people and communicate with district or state level of consultancy for provide better treatment. 

To identify cancer, aids, tuberculosis, leprosy, std and other communicable or non - communicable major disease and provide better treatment by the help of higher competent authority.   

To promote the prevention of child labour, child marriage and juvenile injustice.   

To promote the prevention of dowry, sexual exploitation, mtp, prenatal diagnosis of unborn baby, indecent representation of women. 

To promote the prevention of misleading of drugs and magic remedies, misuses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, drug addiction etc. 

To cooperate with national and international organizations having similar objectives and depute or receive representative from such organizations and to work for development of community awareness and vocational activity for the rural mass. 

To undertake different type of welfare programs for the disabled. 

Mission is to aware the rural people about their health, education and basic rights, assists them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical know how, guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in rural economy. Multidisciplinary segment of society need for recovery from disharmony and injustice comes to our mission for how much we can.   

To offer opportunities for personal health and development of society.   

To motivate and encourage each persons effort and achievement.   

To provide ongoing support system and services to the target group beneficiaries through efficient and ready available management information system.   

To reach out poorest and underprivileged section of the society for self-reliance in health, education and economic prosperity. 

To empower the poor and marginalized communities through economic and development. 


Abayab 2005 - Kolkatta 

Add: 22 - B 

Ruby Park, Ground Floor 

Kolkatta - 700078 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092391 32546 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sanjay Ganguly 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To establish and maintain charitable hospital with all modern facilities with the help of qualified doctors and without profit motive. 

To conduct all type of development to mother and child and development programmed for women like training and self-dependent activities etc. 



Affection Society for Human Advancement - ASHA 

Add: Putiadaha 

Block- Simlapal 

Bankura - 722151 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094335 38998 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sourav Sannigrahi 

Purpose : Social welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Hiv/aids prevention, tribal welfare, health, sanitation and rural development 


AGNI - A Dream for Great Nation India 

Add: Fd 219/3   

Sector 3 Salt Lake Kolkata 

Kolkata - 7000106 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-9432345525 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dipankar Biswas 

Purpose : Education health rural help. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Agni aims at uplifting the life of the poor/needy/deprived section of the society by any means primarily driven by educational and health. 

Agni is a pure participative & voluntary association of like minded people has no affiliation to any other organization political, regional. 


Ahimsaa Research Foundation - Calcutta 

Add: Eastern Zone Office 

46, Strand Road 

Calcutta - 700007 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-2385449 , 33-2326572 



Contact: Chiranjee Lal Bagra 

Purpose: Environment, Forestry 

Aim/Objective/Mission: AHIMSAA aims at conservation of natural resources and preservation of rain forests and bio-diversity. It works to maintain a ecological balance, peace, tranquility, health, happiness all around the world. 


Ahvan Karaya Road - Kolkata 

AHVAN (Karaya Road) - Kolkata 

Add: Block - D, Flat No. 12 

98, Karaya Road 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 2403994 



Contact: Mrs Rama Mukherjee 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Ahvan (Karaya Road) was started in 1998 for the all round development of children who cam efrom poor and downtrodden families. At present we run an evening school. The primary goal of the organisation is to impart primary education to the children like non-formal schools. To develop the inherent potentialities of those poor children we have started drawing and painting and singing class. We have plans to involve the children in diffrent extra-curricular activities like sports, yoga, dramatics etc. in future so that they become self dependent by their own inherent talent in future. But financial limitation is the main hindrance to achieve our goal. 


Aim Seven - Nadia 

Aim Seven 

Add: Santinagar 


Nadia - 741245 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25927480 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Ashis Deb 

Purpose : Welfare project for underprivileged children of rural areas. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The ngo works for the underprivileged children in rural areas and continue organise a free medical check up camp with free blood group detection for deprived people. 


Akanksha 2002 - Jalpaiguri 

Amanat Foundation Trust - Kolkata 


Amara Sabai South - 24 Parganas 

Amara Sabai 

Add: Kailaspur   

Mathurapur Block-II 

South 24 Parganas - 743349 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094342 45953 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : B.R. Mishra 

Purpose : Community development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : A society where all live with dignity, enjoy equal opportunities and rights and share social responsibility. 

Sustainable development and self-reliance of local people through harnessing local resources and ensured participation of people in livelihoods development.   

To serve the weaker section of the community specially the land less peasants and marginal farm families.   

Impart technical knowledge skill through training and demonstration to increase agricultural productivity.   

Undertake suitable activities for the welfare of the women and children.   

Initiate suitable income generating activities for the disadvantaged group of the community.   

Impart functional skill to the target group specially the young person and women through vocational training programm.   

Make formal and non-formal education accessible to underprivileged group.   

Take effective steps to up-grade the health, hygiene and sanitation status of the community people.   

Make the women members aware on their rights, roles, and responsibility in the society. 

An Association For Social Welfare - Kolkata 


Ananda Samiti - Calcutta 

Ananda Samiti - Calcutta 

Add: 18 B, Lansdowne Terrace 

Calcutta - 700026 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-4640144 



Contact: Minati Sen 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Employment, Micro-enterprises, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Ananda Samiti aims at encouraging self-employment opportunities for the educated unemployed women. It has developed infrastucture for free use by the trainees/beneficiaries for production of jam/jelly/pickles. The sale of these products is done under the supervision of the Samiti. Sewing and tailoring is also included as a trade in the self-employment programme. Balwadi education for healthy mind and body for street children is also been undertaken by the samiti. 


Anirban Rural Welfare Society South - 24 Parganas 

Anirban Rural Welfare Society   

Add: Bhadura   


South 24 Parganas - 743504 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-098303 89745 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr.M.S.Sheik   

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission is to empower the local communities to create income-generating capabilities for underprivileged rural women by providing a small-scale enterprise opportunity, and to improve rural living standards of children in need through education, counseling, vocational training, health and hygiene awareness for sustainable development. 


Ankur Kala - Calcutta 

Ankur Kala - Calcutta 

Add: 9A, Meher Ali Road 

Calcutta - 700 017 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22478476 



Contact: Mrs Annie Joseph 

Purpose: Education, Employment, Human Rights, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: ANKUR KALA was started in 1982 by Ms Annie Joseph a professional social worker. It is a registered body under the West Bengal Societies registration act and also under the foreign contribution Regulations Act. The organisation aims to provide the poor exploited women with opportunities to break free from the shackles of poverty and oppression by developing their business skills and training in self employment. Our activities are to impart a high degree of skill training in batik, tailoring, catering and jams, squash, pickles etc the products which are much appreciated in the export market. Our commitment is to make poor and destitute women totally self-reliant through holistic training so that these women in turn will be agents of change in our society. 

Antazilla Gram Unnayan Parishad - Canning 

Antazilla Gram Unnayan Parishad - Canning 

Add: Dighirpar (No 1) Canning 

South 24 Parganas 

Canning - 743 329 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 18 55831 



Contact: Dr Sukhdeb Halder 

Purpose: Agriculture, Education, Food and Nutrition, Health, Micro-enterprises, Rural Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Mission – The objective is to bring such a transformation in the society that every individual receives due honour and dignity gets equal opportunity for self development and can enjoy the fruits of his own labour and do so direct the programmes that the focus of attention remains on the weak, poor, the marginalised and the women Vision – The approach is holistic embracing every aspect, social, cultural, health & hygiene, education and environment etc. 


Anudip Foundation For Social Welfare - Kolkata 

Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare 

Add: FD - 286 

Sector III, 2nd Floor 

Kolkata - 700106 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-23377406 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Natesan Ganesh 

Purpose : Livelihood opportunities. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Anudip foundation provides enhanced livelihood opportunities for marginalized people of India through rural training centers that develop skilled information technology professionals and entrepreneurs. Anudip supports its graduates through mentoring, financing and incubation services. 


Art Trust - Kolkata 

Art Trust 

Add: B-32, Alaka Appartment 

Tipu Sultan Road 

Kolkata - 700026 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-332-4669268 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : A. Gayen, A. Sengupta 

Purpose : Art and culture 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To promotion of young artist as well as senior artist, art camp, dialog of visual art, asthetic development of art, modernisation of art education, art workshop, tallent search, seminar etc. 


Ashray - Kolkata 


Add: Ashiyana   


Kolkata - 700059 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097652 82291 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Bibhas Dutta 

Purpose : Help the needy people.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To help the old people. To help the rural sector implementing new technologies. To help the orphans. To help the street children. To help the sex workers in aids awareness. To make awareness in environmental issues. 



Atbati Sarada Nari Sangathan - Purba Medinipur 

Atbati Sarada Nari Sangathan 

Add: PO Atbati   

Purba Medinipur- 721422 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3220-230001 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Gobinda Das 

Purpose : Teaching 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Atbati sarada nari sangathan is a registered ngo guided and followed by akhil bharat vivekakanda yuva mahamandal; run its activities based on the ideas of swami vivakananda, sri ramkrishna and maa sarada devi. 

Present activities study circle, training camp for women and girls, cultural activities, womens self help group,a teachers training college, atbati sarada primary teachers training institute, a premier institute for practical learning based Teachers Training Institute, acreediated by N.C.T.E. An educational hub, governed by the ideas of Sri Ramkrishna, Maa Sarada and Swami Vivekananda; harmonised with a foreign module of teaching learning combo, accousted with excellent, trained world class faculties. 



Baikunthapur Tarun Sangha South - 24 Parganas 

BTS - Baikunthapur Tarun Sangha 



South 24 Parganas - 743383 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24277860, 91-31-74214579 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Susanta Giri, Secretary 

Purpose : Integrated development through model village concept 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Bts is a community-based development organisation working for the poor and the helpless, disadvantaged and the weaker, marginalized and the vulnerable in riverine-island blocks of south Sunderban.   

Bts believes people's active participation with an aim to mobilize local and natural resources.   

The birth of this ngo is the result of a post-flood situation in the year 1982-83 and since continues to gift a holistic support to the needy and the suffering.   

Promoting basic education with no child left-outside schools in rural sunderban, sustainable agriculture promoting bio-fertilizers and pesticides in place of chem-pesticides and fertilizers, promoting medi-herb and medicinal-plants culture to enhance alternative indian system of medicines; protection of child rights and elimination of domestic child-labourers/working children with an aim to rehab them into schools; women empowerment through shgs and micro-finance, community health care (both preventive and curative) where there is no hospital to serve the suffering people in need. 



Bangiya Shishu Bikash Sangathan - 24 South Paraganas 

Bangiya Shishu Bikash Sangathan 

Add: Amtala 


24 South Paraganas - 743398 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094334 54608 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Arup Halder 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Physical and mental development of poor child. 


Bani Mandir - 24 Parganas - Calcutta 

Bani Mandir - 24 Parganas 

Add: Village Khordanahala 


24 Parganas S - 91-3174-244290 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3174-244291 



Contact: Mr Somendranath Mandal 

Purpose: Aged, Agriculture, Art and culture, Child welfare, Education, Employment, Environment, Health, Micro-enterprises, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Water 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Our main aim is to rise people from the poverty line. Make them aware of their fundamental rights and make them a better citizen iof tomorrow.   


Bankura Mahila Samiti - Calcutta 

Bankura Mahila Samiti 

Add: 77, Rasubabus Lane 

Chawk Bazar 

Bankura - 722101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-324-2252393, 91-092331 67232, 91-097351 33818 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : S. Chattopadhay 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To set up a vocational training institute for poor men and women of drought area of Bankura. 



Bansdroni Anuvab Of Social Aid - Kolkata 

Bansdroni Anuvab of Social Aid 

Add: 103, Prafulla Nagar 


Kolkata- 700070 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24318650 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sujit Dey, Pradip Dey, Malay Banerjee 

Purpose : Social work 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Women empowerment, educational help for needy student, medical aid for needy people, rural development and human rights. 


Baradrone Social Welfare Institution Diamond - Harbour 

BSWI - Baradrone Social Welfare Institution 



Diamond Harbour - 743332 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3174-256224 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sanjeebb Bhataacharya 

Purpose : Integrated rural development programmes. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : A society where all will be equally seen and their dignity of lives will be fuly taken care of by the society. Self help and sustainable development in equitable manners. 

To create autonomous rural societies so as to enable them to take the responsibilities of their own development through best prctices and enhance public cooperation and harmony. 


Baragari New Life - Bankura 

Baragari New Life 

Add: Bankura 

Barikul, Fulkusma 

Bankura - 722162 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094745 62201 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Kasturabha Ghosh 

Purpose : For any. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To improve the health situation of the population in. The districts of Bankura, drinking water and sanitation, child welfare, disability, economics and finance, education, food and nutrition, health, micro-enterprises, rural development, sanitation. we are on a mission to feed poor children in Bankura. 


Barasat Spandanam - Kolkatta 

Barasat Spandanam, Kolkatta 



Kolkatta - 700126 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25424022 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Prasanta Kumar Biswas 

Purpose : To help poor, needy, helpless, suffering people of our society. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Helping poor and needy boys and girls to persue their studies, helping poor suffering patients for treatment, helping none-to-look-after aged persons for giving safe and caring shelter and to build old aged homes for them. 


Barasat Unnayan Prostuti - Kolkata 

Barasat Unnayan Prostuti - Kolkata 

Add: Basundhara 


Kolkata - 700125 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-25421334 , 33-28443333 



Contact: Mr. Ranjit Kumar 

Purpose: Disadvantaged communities, Rural Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation endeavours to develop peoples initiative relating to ecological balance, economic development, community organisation and education, community participation and a non exploitative environment in order to build a self reliant and sustainable society bearing a holistic approach towards human life. 


Bethuadahari Bhorer - Alo Nadia 

BBA - Bethuadahari Bhorer Alo 

Add: Sovona Market 

Cinema Hall Road 

Nadia - 741126 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094330 69980 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Rana Dey 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Sustainable development for the mothers and child. 



Bharosa Life - Kolkata 

Bharosa Life 

Add: Flat-13, Block-4   

Shrachi Garden 

Kolkata - 700028 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25507057, 91-098317 22585, 91-094337 40437 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Goutam Sarkar 

Purpose : Development, child welfare, womens welfare, effective sanitation in various wards under madhyamgram.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide for childrens welfare, womens welfare, tribal welfare, nurses training and any other para-medical activities.   

To work in various spheres of child welfare, womens welfare, senior citizens welfare etc.   

To provide assistance to poor and deserving students in any shape as may be deemed fit.   

To provide assistance to charitable hospitals and/or health care units in setting up of various facilities such as blood bank, operation theatre, eye bank, trauma centers etc for the poor and under-privileged.   

To make provisions of outdoor dispensary, health camps, and also to run mobile medical services.   

To set up hospitals-primary as well as super specialty, nursing homes, heath care units for imparting better medical facilities to the citizens.   

To render assistance to the handicapped-both physical and mental.   

To associate with other associations, voluntary organizations for the purpose welfare and betterment of the society.   

To impart education at all levels in any stream-general, technical, medical, para- medical etc. Setting up of orphanage, crèche, day care centers, old age homes, working peoples hostel etc. To hold media events for the purpose of raising funds for helping the victims of disasters/ calamities. To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the governing body of the society. 


Bhoruka Public Welfare Trust - Calcutta 

Bhoruka Public Welfare Trust - Calcutta 

Add: Amader Bari 

63, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road 

Calcutta - 700016 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22449619 , 33-22261196 



Contact: Asha Rao 

Purpose: Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: BPWT provides blood banks and blood transfusion services. It also conducts community based HIV/AIDS awareness programmes for truck drivers and their helpers. It organises health camps, making people aware of safe blood transfusion. It also counsels on health issues. 


Bibek Bikash Samaj Kalyan Kendra - Kolkata 

Bibek Bikash Samaj Kalyan Kendra 

Add: 3/1-A 


Kolkata - 700054 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094333 24566 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Pallab Chakraborty (G.S.) 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Mision, vision for the poor through social welfare. 


Bikash Bharati Welfare Society - Calcutta 

Bikash Bharati Welfare Society - Calcutta 

Add: 20/1B 

Lalbazar Street 

Calcutta - 700001 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22431787 , 33-22207270 



Contact: Gautam K. Ghosh 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disability, Education, Rehabilitation, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Bikash Bharati Welfare Society (BBWS) is a registered philanthropic voluntary body, established in 1963, with the commitment to work in the multifarious fields of social work at the national level. BBWS renders services in the field of child development, welfare of persons with disability, women development, youth welfare, education, health acre, substance abuse prevention, prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS, environment protection, rural and community development. BBWS aims at reaching the unreached and specifies its operation in the rural areas and the slums, addressing to the needs and priorities of the poor, the deprived and the marginalised section of the community. BBWS promotes and co-ordinates the National Plan of action pertaining to its working fields and carries out the government and the other Agencies schemes and projects for the purposes. BBWS implements projects with the community participation for a holistic development, not just a relief. 

Bruksha O Jeevar Bhandhu Parishad Friends Of Trees And Living Beings - Nayagada 

Bruksha O Jeevar Bhandhu Parishad (Friends of Trees and Living Beings) - Nayagada 

Add: AT/PO-Kesharpur 

Via- Mandhatapur 

Distt. Nayagada - 752079 

West Bengal 




Contact: Sahu Jogi Nath 

Purpose: Child welfare, Environment, Health, Sanitation 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation aims to make the local people aware of the importance of a healthy and safe environment. It's objectives include promoting the knowledge of conservation of nature and it's resources; motivating people to plant trees and protect forests. Apart from this, it also concentrates on issues related to health, sanitation and child welfare. 


Carima Seva Sadan - Birbhum 

Carima Seva Sadan 

Add: Radhanagar   


Birbhum - 731218 

West Bangal 

Tel : 91-3462-235202 

Email :   

Website :   

Contact Person : Mokram Ali 

Purpose : Human rights. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Poor people financial development. 


Cdcw Pratyush - Kolkata 

CDCW - Pratyush   

Add: Taki Road, Gholar Haat 


Kolkata - 700083 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093300 62542 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Aniruddha Chakrabarty 

Purpose : Education for poor children, health services, social justice, human rights, population, etc. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To eliminate all forms of social inequality, injustice and develop human resources through free education among poor children. 

To develop and create a healthy mind among those poor children. 

To implement an iga for those children parents and elder brothers and sisters. 


Centre For Communication And Cultural Action - Kolkata 

Centre for Communication and Cultural Action - Kolkata 

Add: 49E Palm Avenue 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22405290 



Contact: Mr Sanjib Sarkar 

Purpose: Art and culture, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Employment, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Objectives of the Centre for Communication and Cultural Action are as follows: 1. To promote the development of group communication and low-cost folk media which the people themselves use and control and which enable them to create their own style of communication which is liberating. 2. To promote units of performing arts and Folk Theatre in different parts of the country. 3. To arrange workshops and training courses for grass root people. 



Centre For Environmental And Socio Economic Regeneration - Purulia 

Centre for Environmental and Socio Economic Regeneration - CESR 

Add: Chaibasa Road, Dulmi down 


Purulia - 723102 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094346 58859 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Debasis Panda 

Purpose : Sustainable rural development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The main mission of the organization is to create an environment to enable people to initiate development action in order to bring about overall well being of masses restoring and sustaining the productive natural resource base of the area. 

The vision of the organisation With increased population and consequent increase in the demand of biomass, people had denuded thousands of hectares of land. As a result, the forest based agro ecosystem had undergone very quick environmental changes causing threats not only to the survival of numerous species of plants and animals but also to the livelihood of men. Since, environmental degradation and poverty are very closely related, before it is too late, appropriate actions need to be initiated to help to regenerate the natural productive base which has very high potential of generating benefits of all sections of the community. If the local people are motivated and proper technologies are identified including the local people\'s knowledge and tailored them to address to the need of people, well-being of masses can be brought about. With this conviction the organization has started its activities. 


Centre For Human Rights Research Studies - Nadia 

Centre for Human Rights Research Studies 

Add: Telakpur   


Nadia - 741164 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-347-2326393 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Amar Chandra Biswas 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Social service, education and remort level development. 


Centre For Social Development - Barrackpore 

Centre For Social Development - Barrackpore 

Add: 68 

Barrack Road 

Barrackpore - 700120 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25921750 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Prasanta Mazumder 

Purpose : Public relations 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To work for the deprived and underprivileged section of the society. 


Centre For Social Markets - Kolkata 

Centre for Social Markets 

Add: 39 

Hindusthan Park 

Kolkata - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24655898, 91-33-24655650 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Tapati Ghosh, Director 

Purpose : It is a Non profit entrepreneurship for People & Planet.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : The Centre for Social Markets (CSM) is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to making markets work for the triple bottom line people, planet and profit. Through our offices in India and the United Kingdom, and an international network of partners and associates, CSM promotes responsible entrepreneurship, ethics and accountability worldwide. Founded in 2000 by Indian social entrepreneur, Malini Mehra, we are a values-based organisation committed to sustainable development and human rights. 


Centre For Socio Economic Reforms And Environmental Conservation - Calcutta 

Centre for Socio-Economic Reforms and Environmental Conservation - Calcutta 

Add: 8- Naktala Road 

Calcutta - 700047 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24710496 



Contact: Mrinal Kanti Bhattacharya 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Population, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: CSEREC promotes the study of socio-economic problems of people particularly in rural areas and works for their social and economic development and find solution to problems as well. 


Centre For Total Development - Hooghly 

Centre for total Development - Hooghly 

Add: Village Jigra, Post Bahirkhanda 

District Hooghly 

Hooghly - 712405 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3212-271086 



Contact: Mr Madangopal Bhattacharyya 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Health, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Centre for Total Development (CTD) was established in 1987 for integrated development of its area of operation. Presently it is working with 1500 destitute families of Tarakeswar block. The families mostly have at least one child-labourer and they live on roadside, railway track side and canal side in huts. 



Chandipur Mother And Child Health Welfare Society - South 24 Parganas 

Chandipur Mother and Child Health Welfare Society 

Add: Chandipur, Botokhali Chandipur   


South 24 Parganas - 743611 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097335 69658 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : P. Mondal 

Purpose : Social development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, sports and games, folk culture, environment awareness, health, agriculture, women and child care, Shg’s, mela (fair), income generation programme, training programme, rural development, various awareness programme on social issues etc. 



Chaplin Club - Chakpurusottom 


Chaplin Club - Chakpurusottom 

Add: Vill: Naraharipur, P.O.: Chakpurusottom 

Dist: Paschim Medinipur 

Chakpurusottom - 721211 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-9434161436 , 33-22243506 



Contact: Dr Satyajit Ganguli 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Employment, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Strengthening the process of people's participation for ensuring the rural sustainable livelihood by maintaining biodiversity without hampering socio-cultural and ecological symphony. 



Chetana Foundation For Social Awareness Research And Development - Calcutta 

Chetana Foundation for Social Awareness, Research and Development - Calcutta 

Add: 4 Jubilee Park 


Calcutta - 700 033 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-033-24713887 



Contact: Pradip Das 

Purpose: Aged, Education, Employment, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: CFSARD's objectives are to create public awaremess regarding social problems, to create opportunities for employment and self-employment for women, unemployed youth and older persons, to promote literacy, to fund social welfare projects, to impart training useful for small organisations, to promote cooperation between institutions, societies and individuals working for social welfare nd to investigate , collect and ciruclate information relevant to the objects of the foundation. 


Child In Need Institute - 24 Parganas 

Child In Need Institute - 24 Parganas 

Add: Pailan 

Via Joka 

Dist. 24 Parganas - 700104 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24678192 , 33-24670241 



Contact: Samir Narayan Choudhuri 

Purpose: Child welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sustainable health and nutrition development for women and children in need is the mission of CINI. Safe motherhood and child survival; nutritional services for vulnerable groups; prevention and management of unwanted pregnancies; reproductive health services for adolescents; prevention and treatment of RTI/STI and gynaecological morbidities; and increasing male involvement are the thrust areas of CINI’s work. 


Children In Pain - Kolkata 

Children In Pain - Kolkata 

Add: 19/7A Govinda Khatik Road 


Kolkata - 700 046 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24740141 , 33-24749410 



Contact: Dr CS Mukherji 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: CHIP (Children In Pain) is a registered, growing charity for children founded by doctors and educationists. The main area of focus surround issues of health and education. Among other concerns the society uses innovative techniques to engender quality and diversity in schools, keep children in school, augment corrective and preservative healthcare and provide necessary medical services to the most needy children. 


Chitrabani Society - West Bengal 

Chitrabani Society - West Bengal 

Add: 76 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road 

Kolkata - 700 016 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 22440108 , 33 22461507 



Contact: Rev Fr P. J. Joseph 

Purpose: Art and culture, Education, Environment, Media, Rural Development, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: It is a social Communication centre started be Gaston Roberge, film theoretician and scholar, in 1970. It is registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961. Recognised by the State Government as a voluntary Educational Institution in the field of social education. The centre aims to spread a mass media culture along with developing scholarship and professionalisn in media. It is involved in media skills and materials that strengthen critical awareness and alternative visions. 


Choker Aalo - Nahata 

Choker Aalo 


Nahata - 743290 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094741 50380, 91-094343 45123 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Ranjan Biswas, Sankar Biswas 

Purpose : Help of poor family 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Improve living standred of poor family with self respect. 

Cini Chetana Resource Centre - 24 Pgs 

CINI Chetana Resource Centre - 24 PGS 

Add: Vill.& P.O. Amgachi 

Via Joka 

Dist. 24 PGS.(South) - 743512 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24677354 , 33-22452706 



Contact: Samir Narayan Chaudhuri 

Purpose: Development(General) 

Aim/Objective/Mission: CCRC basically provides support services to CINI in form of capacity building and developing resource materials 



Compassion East India - Kolkata 

Compassion East India 

Add: AQ 12   

Sector IV & V 

Kolkata - 700091 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-40101900 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Jebaraj D.G., Country Director 

Purpose : Wholistic child development. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To release children from physical, social, economic and spiritual poverty in the most impoverished states of our country. 


Comprehensive Area Development Service - North 24 Parganas 

Comprehensive Area Development Service - North 24 Parganas 

Add: 5/2, RBC Road 

Nai Hati 

North 24 Parganas - 743165 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-25813341 



Contact: Mr. Manash Kumar Banerjee 

Purpose: Agriculture, Art and culture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Environment, Health, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Poverty, Rural Development, Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Our vision is holistic sustenance in peace of transformation in favour of the poor and the marginalised and to empower communities in our country. To promote support and strengthen people’s organisation and to promote people’s movement through collaborative efforts at local and regional levels. 



Council For Social Development - Kolkata 

Council for Social Development - Kolkata 

Add: 4, Mominpore Road 

Kolkata - 23 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24494124 



Contact: Mr Anwar Ali 

Purpose: Art and culture, Child welfare, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Health, Information and Communications Technology, Labour, Population, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Council for Social Development is a NGO engaged in voluntary services among downtrodden people/deprived children in the locality to raise their potential and energy for up-liftment. We are working in the fields of education, health, nutrition, sanitation, awareness among women, ReH activities, IGP programme, child activities, programmes for street and working children are also being organised by this organisation. 


Crafts Council Of West Bengal - Calcutta 

Crafts Council of West Bengal - Calcutta 

Add: 64, Lake Place 

Calcutta - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24661357 , 33-24663801 



Contact: Nandita Pal Choudhuri 

Purpose: Art and culture 

Aim/Objective/Mission: CCWB is committed to the preservation of the traditional crafts of eastern India, through research, documentation, design development and marketing at the grassroots level.human face. 



Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society - Kolkata 

Add: 25-A 

Nepal Bhatacharjee Street 

Kolkata - 700026 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-099038 84823 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Samadrita Das Gupta 

Purpose : Social development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The socio-economic condition of the weaker section of the society by micro-finance services focused on education, health, housing, live hood.   

To help the poor women in rural areas and urban slum with micro-credit and provide capacity building services in sustainable manner and provide better health care and education for the underprivileged community . 

To promote economic empowerment poverty reduction and strengthening of economic, social and cultural status of poor working women. 

The main focus on the socially, economically and educationally backward women they can create job, assets, and improve there standard of living. 


Dakshin Chandchak Samaj Kalyan Samity - Uttar Manashree 

Dakshin Chandchak Samaj Kalyan Samity - Uttar Manashree 

Add: Village-Dakshin Chandchak 

Uttar Manashree - 711412 

West Bengal 




Contact: Paresh Chandra Samanta 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Micro-enterprises, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation is engaged in helping the poor and needy to improve their socio-economic conditions through education and formation of self-help groups. It encourages small savings. For increasing women's participation it helps them in forming groups and provides them with agro inputs. 


Dawan Foundation - Kolkata 

Deb Adhikari Educarional And Charitable Trus-t Alipurduar 

Deb Adhikari Educarional and Charitable Trust 

Add: Girls Mission Road 


Alipurduar - 736123 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097332 66110 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Joy Deb Adhikari 

Purpose : Aids awareness, educational for backward people and self employment training.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Aids awareness, educational for backward people and self employment training, health awareness programs for mother & child, to improve health care for socially & economically backward people. 


Debnathpur Saptarsi Charitable Society - Nadia 

Debnathpur Saptarsi Charitable Society 

Add: Debnathpur   


Nadia - 741160 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-099320 40112, 91-099328 42553 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Chandana Dutta 

Purpose : Health and education. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Health and education. 


Desh Bandhu Sangha - South 24 Parganas 

Desh Bandhu Sangha - South 24 Parganas 

Add: Vill. Dhanyaghata 

Via Mograhat 

Dist.South 24 Parganas - 743355 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3174-55562 



Contact: Nanda Dulal Sardar 

Purpose: Agriculture, Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation is mainly concerned with the socio-economic development of the rural areas. Its objectives include developing a primary school, excavation of ponds as land development, pisciculture and irrigation reservoir. Establishing socio-economic viability with technical feasibility for poverty reduction and developing community health and family welfare are some other objectives of the organisation. Develop inherent skills and diversify the product range through research, design and technical development workshops 


Destination Educational And Welfare Society - Burdwan 

Destination Educational and Welfare Society 

Add: 6/5 

Sepco Township 

Burdwan - 713205 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-343-2605457 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Debabrata Bhattacharya 

Purpose : Educational and society development.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Destination is a premiere educational institute in Durgapur under the banner and control of “destination educational and welfare society” registered under the society act govt. of West Bengal with a target to develop the education in the left behind society for those who are yet to get the benefit of the modern educational development of the world by which the section shall reach in the industry ready human resource world. 


Development Research Communication And Services Centre - Kolkata 

Development Research Communication and Services Centre 

Add: 58-A, Dharmatala Road 

Bosepukur, Kasba 

Kolkata - 700042 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24427311 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Tapas Mondal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Food and livelihood security through natural resource management among the village poor. 


Dhannyasisha Academy Of Development Science - 24 Parganas 

Dhannyasisha Academy of Development Science - 24 Parganas 

Add: Dhannyasisha 


24 Parganas (South) - 743 503 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24703747 



Contact: Dipankar Roy 

Purpose: Rural Development, Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisations main goal is holistic development of the people (mental, physical and spiritual) through appropriate NGO intervention and peoples participation. Its objectives are capacity building of the NGO workers and development activities and to develop NGO management in such a manner so that systematic application of development science is possible. 


Divya Chaya Trust - Calcutta 

Divya Chaya Trust - Calcutta 

Add: 8 B, Middleton Street 

Calcutta - 700071 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22293886 



Contact: Susmita Devi 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Health, Rural Development, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Divta Chaya Trust was established I 1984 with the prime objective of rescuing and rehabilitating destitute children. Since no tragedy can be greater than a women being forced to abandon her child, Divya Chaya Trust also extends a helping hand to empower women. The trust reaches out to people in need, and helps to restore their hope for the future, with education the foundation of the rehabilitation process. The acquisition of literacy numerical and vocational of even or even professional training, enables people to achieve self-respect and self sufficiency. The projects set up by DCT are all directed towards this end. More than 1000 children have already been helped by the Trust’s educational activities.   


Dreams Of The Century - Howrah 

Dreams of the Century 

Add: Jagacha 

Hospital Road 

Howrah - 711112 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098303 29373 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Subhransu Guria 

Purpose : Fights against isolation, poverty and neglect.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, empowerment, health, housing and emergency relief. 


Dubrajhat Nabajagaran Sangha - Burdwan 

Dubrajhat Nabajagaran Sangha 

Add: Dubrajhat   


Burdwan - 713142 

West Bengal 

Tel :   

Email :   

Website :   

Contact Person : Samiran Batabyal 

Purpose : Rural development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, games, sports for mental, physical development of rural folks, agriculture and culture. 


Economic Rural Development Society - Calcutta 

Economic Rural Development Society - Calcutta 

Add: 6, Kiron Sankar Roy Road 

Ground Floor 

Calcutta - 700001 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22486888 



Contact: Madhu Basu 

Purpose: Child welfare, Development(General), Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Human Rights, Population, Poverty, Sanitation, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: ERDS works for the upliftment of the status of the underprivileged, poor and backward sections in the region by way of motivation and human resource development.   


Empathy - Kolkata 

Empathy - Kolkata 

Add: 17 J Monohar Pukur Road 

2nd Floor 

Kolkata - 700 026 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24746318 



Contact: Rajyasree Bandyopadhyay 

Purpose: Aged, Art and culture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Empathy is a non-profit social welfare organisation. It's motto is welfare of the society as a whole. It has various objectives based on the above mentioned sectors. It was born on September 2002. It is registered under Societies Registration Act 1961. Empower ethnic women and their role in building peace process in the North East.   


Endev A Society For Environment And Development - Calcutta 

Endev- A Society for Environment and Development - Calcutta 

Add: 329, Jodhpur Park 

Ground Floor 

Calcutta - 700068 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24731519 , 33-24132626 



Contact: Asish Ghosh 

Purpose: Environment 

Aim/Objective/Mission: ENDEV is engaged in primary survey on solid waste management, education programmes on various issues related to environment protection, etc. 


Eurasia Reiyukai - Siliguri 

Eurasia Reiyukai 

Add: 8 

Dr. Parasmani Sarani 

Siliguri - 734001 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-353-2544649 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Krishna Sharma 

Purpose : Rural development. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Rural development. 


Forum Of Communities United In Service - Kolkata 

Forum of Communities United in Service - Kolkata 

Add: 6, Tiljala Road 

Kolkata - 700 046 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22405088 , 33-22805819 



Contact: Taher Ahmed 

Purpose: Education, Health, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The mission of FOCUS is to alleviate the sufferings of the underprivileged section of the urban communities living n Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Howrah Municipal Corporation with a special care on destitute children and women upliftment programme. FOCUS has also the mission to meet the greater urban challenges like city waste disposal system improvement; rehabilitation of child labour from hazardous occupation, mainstreaming of street children and enabling local community based organisation to further enhance the mission of FOCUS. 


Foset - Kolkata 

FOSET - Forum of Scientists, Engineers and Technologists 

Add: 15-N, Nelli Sengupta Sarani 

Lindsay Street 

Kolkata - 700087 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-22529675 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : General secretary 

Purpose : Utilisation of cost-effective technologies for community development. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Self reliance in science and technology, building-up scientific temper, community development. 


Foundation For Science And Environment - Kolkata 

Foundation for Science & Environment 

Add: 42, Station Road 


Kolkata - 700118 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25236509 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. Tanmoy Rudra 

Purpose : Environmental awareness & education.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Foundation for Science & Environment is exclusively working in environmental awareness with a belief that environmental education and awareness is the surest means of reducing its violations and creating a culture of respect and tolerance in this world. 


Four Corners Initiatives Trust - Pedong 

Four Corners Initiatives Trust 

Add: 21st Mile   


Pedong - 734311 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-355-2281207 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Rohit Thapa 

Purpose : Community development and education. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Work and provide income generation and employment opportunity among the marginalized, under-privileged and backward community specially women in the rural Himalayan region. 


Friends Of Poor And Socially Abandoned - Bankura 

FPSA - Friends of Poor & Socially Abandoned 

Add: Rabindra Pally Rasikgunj 


Bankura - 722122 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3244-255662 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Arun Kumar Sinha 

Purpose : Fund raising for NGO. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our vision 

to achieve development of rural & urban society with educational uplifting and socio-economic empowerment. To achieve the target of AIDS Free Population and to achieve this target we will put all possible stress for AIDS awareness and for prevention of. For sustainable development in the field of education our stress will be providing education for one and all and in particular to that population which are not yet covered in schooling program. To develop consciousness about spreading of literacy in all form among target population by school, college going adolescent and youth. For socio economic empowerment we will put all stress on SHG formation particularly for the populace of economically weaker section where our main target are women and those men folks who have no or little source of income. To achieve AIDS free population we put all possible stress on AIDS awareness and simultaneously on prevention of AIDS & here our target populace will be migrant workers. 


Gana Sahayata Welfare Society - Kolkata 

Gana Sahayata Welfare Society - Kolkata 

Add: 08/3   

Narayan Roy Road 

Kolkata - 700008 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24473657, 91-093310 10337 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dola Das Majumder 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Gana Sahayata Welfare Society, a non – profit and non – governmental organization is engaged in multi dimensional activities. The Gana Sahayata Welfare Society has been undertaking ground breaking intervention programmes in community development, with the mission of achievening “sustainable development in mental health, economic empowerment for women in need. At present the organization reaches 1600 Students and 2200 male and female through mental health programme in urban setup.   

GSWS has implemented various documentation of the governmental and non-governmental organization. GSWS expertise lies in both designing and implementing mental health intervention, economic empowerment through vocational training & social survey on different social development related issues. Since its inception, GSWS has initiated multiple intervention programs for women specifically among the disempowerment section of the society. The organization also disseminates its lesion learned and best practices to other grass-root level organization in Sunderban & the 5 Santal villages in the District Birbhum and stakeholders through training & capacity building activities. 

SUKUMAR PATHSALA (a unit of GSWS) was created with the mission of women empowerment economically to protect atrocities against women through Mushroom cultivation. GSWS has also been involved in comprehensive rural development initiatives such as promoting functional adult literacy among disadvantaged women focusing on issues like sex education and exploitation of women.   

GSWS has also developed self-help group of supplemental resources for specific programmers in order to leverage maximum community involvement to sustain interventions in the future. 

The overall mission of the agency is to spread life-skill education especially among the students who are most sensitive and potential group of the society. 

GSWS management believes that without proper research there can not be progress in good work. Thus there is a team of researchers in GSWS who are continuously experimenting the methods and modules for better implementation of programmers. The agency with its able volunteers is ready to take up any kind of work that will help in the positive growth of the society.   

We want all round man making education on empowerment. 

The Mission of our Society is to create an environment for self empowerment of destitute people. 


Gana Unnayan Parshad - Calcutta 

Gana Unnayan Parshad - Calcutta 

Add: 10, Gomesh Lane 

Calcutta - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22462403 , 33-22416983 



Contact: Sutapa Dewanji 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Employment, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Grants/Aids, Health, Human Rights, Labour, Law, Micro-enterprises, Population, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Training, Tribal issues, Urban Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: GUP's vision is of a system where all people will enjoy social and economic justice, freedom and democratic rights. The organisation works for the overall well-being of society. It organises and promotes sustainable projects on handicrafts and particularly equips women to fight against atrocities. To combat frustration and unemployment among the youth, it encourages and supplements employment programmes. 


Ganadarpan - Calcutta 

Ganadarpan - Calcutta 

Add: 32D, Dhirendra Nath Ghosh Road 


Calcutta - 700025 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24553408 , 33-22802228 



Contact: Brojo Roy 

Purpose: Education, Health, Science and Technology 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Ganadarpan is a socio-cultural organisation that fights superstitions, taboos and obscurantist ideas; promotes rationalist ideas; builds scientific temper and facilitates organ donation. 


Gandhi Mission Trust - Medinipur 

Gandhi Mission Trust 

Add: Dihibaliharpur 


Medinipur - 721211 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3225-254217 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Narayan Bhai 

Purpose : Community health care. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To support disadvantage people in the society for community health care facilities. 

To strengthening and advocacy with govt and non govt sector for accessing quality health facility for disadvantage people and community health care facilities. Support to disadvantage people in the eye care and eye treatment and hiv/aids treatment, care and support. 

The mission of the Gandhi mission trust to establish condition in which every person in the community will have full, fair and equal scope for community development. 


Garden Reach Slum Development - Kolkata 

Gitaldaha Bikash Samiti - Coochbehar 

Global Philantrophic Foundation - Birbhum 

Global Philantrophic Foundation 



Birbhum - 731220 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094747 38157 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Abdul Moktader 

Purpose : Education health and social welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are looking forward to the development of the educational health and social welfare in the rural areas of Birbhum. 


Goodwill Services India - Kolkata 

Goodwill Services India - Kolkata 

Add: 47/1A, Palm Avenue 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-28650280 



Contact: Dr Tapan Kr. Dhar 

Purpose: Environment, Health, Water 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The GOOD WILL SERVICES – INDIA has started its journey eight years back with a mission to booster the socio-economic habilitation and betterment of the physically handicapped and Drug addicted people of our society irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion. 


Grace Welfare Society - Kolkata 

Grace Welfare Society 

Add: Sarada Devi Nagar, Bagpota 

Kolagachhia Main Road, Sarsoona 

Kolkata - 700061 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092316 23344 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Robin Mondal 

Purpose : Our purpose is to uplift women and children from downtroden society. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our Objective is to help children towads with education and help them to to have good health through food and medication, Help women to come out frm poverty through teaching some skills and training like tailoring, craft work etc. 


Graham Bell Centre For The Deaf - Hooghly 

Gram Seva Sangha - North 24 Parganas 

Gram Seva Sangha - North 24 Parganas 

Add: Sachin Kargupta Path 

Vill & PO Hatthuba 

North 24 Parganas - 743269 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3216-252167 



Contact: Dulal Chandra Pal 

Purpose: Development(General) 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation mainly aims at rural development and economic rehabilitation of the refugees. It runs a night school for the farmers and a charitable dispensary providing medical services to the local people. It also attempts to provide self employment to the local women through its pathological training centre, horticulture and seed preparation and plantation centre. 


Gramin Vikas Sewa Sanstha - Kolkata 

Gramin Vikas Sewa Sanstha 



Kolkata - 700129 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098686 04554 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Subrata Kumar Kundu 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Rural development. 


Hanami Welfare Mission - Taranagar 


Hanami Welfare Mission 

Add: 24   


Taranagar - 743378 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-099032 83738 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Madhusudan Baidya, Secretary 

Purpose : Wanting co-operation from international downer to help rural orphanage children of Sunderbone (West Bengal). 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote the rural orfanage children of Sunderbone West Bengal India. 


Hariharpara Life Welfare Society - Murshidabad 

Harinavi Srijan - Kolkata 

Harinavi Srijan 

Add: 90-A, R.N.T Rd   


Kolkata - 700148 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-094330 69287 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Rupak Chaudhury 

Purpose : Social welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Rural development in West Bengal. 


Health Energy And Rehabilitation Trust - Kolkata 

Health Energy and Rehabilitation Trust 



Kolkata - 700045 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098315 22274 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sarswati Arora 

Purpose : Basha a school for the under previleged. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : our aim is to take care of there education, nourishment and health. 


Hijli Inspiration - Kolkata 

Hijli Inspiration 

Add : GC 1   

2nd Floor, Sector-III 

Kolkata - 700106 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-23349945 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Chandreyee Das 

Purpose : Fund for development of under priviladge children. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission development of under priviladge child education and health. Development of under previladge women education, health and livelihood. 


Hizlia Janakalyan Samity - North 24 Parganas 

Hooghly Women Development Forum For Voluntary Action - Hooghly 

Hooghly Women Development Forum for Voluntary Action - Hooghly 

Add: PO Khajurdaha 

Vill: Khajurdaha 

Hooghly - 712149 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3213-230506 



Contact: Sulekha Laha 

Purpose: Population, Poverty, Rural Development, Urban Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Hooghly women development forum for voluntary action is a rural mass-based NGO founded on 11th Jan 2001 and full managed by women groups. It wants a society where women will liberate themselves from subordinate status and determine priorities and make decision and enjoy equal social status in the society free from poverty and all forms of oppression. 



Hooghly Yogesamaj - Hooghly 

Hooghly Yogesamaj 

Add: David Mannor Apartment   

2nd floor, Chinsurah 

Hooghly - 712101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098042 22603 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Somdev David 

Purpose : Healthcare of common people. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our aim is to clean health socity. 


Humanity Association - Howrah 

Humanity Association - Howrah 

Add: Post Box - 40 

39, Hem Chakraborty Lane 

Howrah - 711101 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22374787 



Contact: Subir Mullick 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Population, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: HA conducts social development programmes and awareness campaigns on health, sanitation and environment; runs hospitals and clinics and provides financial help to all needy people. 


Humanity Trust - Joka 

Humanity Trust 

Add: Hanspukur   


Joka -700104 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-098830 62354 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. Ajoy Kumar Mistry 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Providing social and economic opportunities to marginalized and poor sections of the society. 

Providing quality and affordable comprehensive health care services to poor people, with emphasis on women, children and other differentially vulnerable groups. 

Promote togetherness and solidarity among rural and urban masses, particularly poor and marginalized, towards building a sustainable model of development. 

Health care is the primary mission of humanity trust. The organization promotes development among poor and marginalized communities by taking up health care as the pivotal intervention. Improved health leads to improvement in productivity and ushers growth and prosperity. This is the core belief of the organization. 


Ichapur Janakalyan Parshad - 24 Parganasn 

Ichapur Janakalyan Parshad - 24 Parganas(N) 

Add: Anandamath 'A' Block 

P.O. Nawabgang 

Distt. 24 Parganas(N) - 743144 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-25602345 , 33-25601930 



Contact: Babla Sarkar 

Purpose: Poverty, Rural Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation addresses to the needs of the rural, poor people through its programmes in poverty alleviation, child welfare, income generating programmes for women and formation of self help groups. 


Ichhe Dana Nourish Dreams To Flourish - Kolkata 

chhe Dana-Nourish Dreams to Flourish 

Add: 78 

Bhupen Bose Avenue 

Kolkata - 700004 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093310 55435 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sundar Banerjee 

Purpose : Provide education to the underprivileged children. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Ichhe Dana is a social welfare organization providing academic help to the underprivileged children of our society. 

Organizing awareness sessions, nourishing extra curricular talents, Providing scholarships to the needy and deserving students, computer literacy, Setting up a library/book bank. 


Incredible North Bengal Society - Dinajpur 

Incredible North Bengal Society 

Add: Puratanpally 

Ward No 2 

Dinajpur - 733202 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094343 79155 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Bunty Chowdhary 

Purpose : Social Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Art and culture, child welfare, disadvantaged communities, disaster management, education, employment, environment, food and nutrition, health, rural development, training, women's issues, youth development and sports, record and maintenance old monuments, afforestation program. 


Islampur Ramkrishnapally Rural Welfare Society - Uttar Dinajpur 

Islampur Ramkrishnapally Rural Welfare Society 

Add: Ramkrishnapally 


Uttar Dinajpur - 733202 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-352-6257723 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : A. A. Parvej 

Purpose : Voluntary non profit organisation 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission is to aware the rural people about their health, education and basic rights, assists them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical know how, guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in rural economy.   

In the 21st century IRRWS is poised to be the pioneer for resource center assuring progress and success.   

IRRWS’s vision is to achieve a value-oriented sustainable society based on social-orientation, economic growth, local capacity building and empowerment of people for a complete social transformation.To offer opportunities for personal growth and development, skill enhancement by providing technical and vocational skills. 

Motivate and recognize each persons efforts and achievement so that one can recognize ones own worth.   

Empower the poor and marginalized communities through economic and development .   

Provide ongoing support system and services to the target group beneficiaries through efficient and readily availably management information system. Reach out poorest and underprivileged section of the society for self reliance in health, education and economic prosperity. 


Jabala Action Research Organisation - Calcutta 

Jabala Action Research Organisation - Calcutta 

Add: 9, Bank Colony 


Calcutta - 700031 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24833408 , 33-24648902 



Contact: Baitali Ganguly 

Purpose: Child welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission: JARO is dedicated to work with the sex-workers and their children. It aims to assist these children to gain a respite from the continuous socio-psychological abuse around them and help them gain the rights that society denies them. 


Jadavpur Women In Need Organisation - Calcutta 

Jadavpur Women In Need Organisation - Calcutta 

Add: 15/2/17, Jheel Road 

Bankplot Jadavpur 

Calcutta - 700075 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22416983 



Contact: Manabendra Dewanji 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Science and Technology, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: WIN is concerned with the all round development of backward classes especially women and children. It promotes environment protection; provides health and education to the street children, child labourers; and conducts research and training. 


Jalpaiguri Bioscopic Welfare Society - Jalpaiguri 

Jalpaiguri Bioscopic Welfare Society 

Add: Kadamtala   


Jalpaiguri - 735101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3561-225355 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Gopal sarkar. 

Purpose : Awareness, education, creation. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Generate awareness among the people about films and its activity. 



Jamtala Vivekannda Sangha - South 24 Parganas 

Jamtala Vivekannda Sangha 

Add: Jamtala Kulpi   


South 24 Parganas - 743348 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097325 37795 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Palash Kumar Mondal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Promote non formal education,adult education and also formal education linking with vocational and technical training. Organise youths for your development through different programme. 


Janaki Charity Home - Kolkata 

Janaki Charity Home 

Add: 49/5/A   

C.G.R. Road 

Kolkata - 700023 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-33-64590253 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Priyaranjan Bhoi 

Purpose : Charity for women and unprivileged children. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Working for charity of women and unprivileged children. 


Janasiksha Prochar Kendra - Kolkata 

Janasiksha Prochar Kendra - Kolkata 

Add: 57B, College Street 

Kolkata - 700 073 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 22413324 , 33 22197588 



Contact: Mr Asim Mukherjee 

Purpose: Aged, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Established in 1969 with the avowed objective of eradication illiteracy from amongstthe rural poor, JPK has by now grown into a fulfledged NGO securing registration under Societies Act as also under FCRA of Govt of India. Its various activities cover both rural and urban areas covering aspects such as education, skill formation, Child labour, non-formal training for red light youth, health care, supplemntary nutrition, cultural activities, games and sports etc. among the unprivileged children and women. Also provide old-age-home, short-stay-home, seggregation and development home for vulnerable and trafficked girls of red light areas. The organisation has won National Award of Govt of India in 1994 and Nehru Children's Award in 1998. 


Jaro - Calcutta 

JARO - Calcutta 

Jabala Action Research Organisation 

Add: 9, Bank Colony 


Calcutta - 700031 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24833408 , 33-24648902 



Contact: Baitali Ganguly 

Purpose: Child welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission: JARO is dedicated to work with the sex-workers and their children. It aims to assist these children to gain a respite from the continuous socio-psychological abuse around them and help them gain the rights that society denies them. 


Jaykrishnapur Progressive Rural Organition For Voluntary Activities - Nadia 

Jaykrishnapur Progressive Rural Organition for Voluntary Activities 



Nadia - 741222 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-099331 76865 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Subhasis Adhikary 

Purpose : Women empowerment 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Working on women empowerment for the last 7 years on various projects. Now working on self-help group. 


Jhantipahari Rural Welfare Organisation - Bankura 

Jhantipahari Rural Welfare Organisation 

Add: Jhanti pahari   

Bankura - 722137 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-+919885530024 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : S Rakshit   

Purpose : Free education for all, Free medical services (ambulance and dispensary), Old age home. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : JRWO is not just a non-governmental organisation or a school of a different kind, it is the realization of a long cherished dream; it is a social movement; it is an infinite process. Our mission is to provide a quantum leap for the welfare and rehabilitation of children whose only fault is they born in such a family whose parent don’t have the least foods for empty stomach throughout the year. Ensuring this welfare is the collective responsibility of a progressive and egalitarian society of which these children have a right to be an integral part. 


Jrwo - Bankura 


Add: Jhantipahari   


Bankura - 722137 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098855 30024 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : S. Rakshit, Dhananjoy Rakhsit 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Free ambulance services, schools for all, old age home, must computer education. 


Kabitirtha Educational Forum - Kolkata 

Kabitrirtha Institution For Nations Development And Service - Kolkata 

Kadam - Kolkata 

Kamakhya Balak Ashram - North 24 Parganas 

Kamakhya Balak Ashram 

Add: Kathor Road 

Badu, Barasat 

North 24 Parganas - 700128 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25523991 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Suman Bhattacharjee 

Purpose : Care for orphan children. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To impart proper education, physical cultural, vocational and other trainings to them, so that in future they may become disciplined and can acquire good moral character and lead respectable life and become self dependant . To generate and develop among them an attitude for selfless services to the down trodden in the society. To train them to become ideal workers and assets to mankind. To start, run, operate, manage schools, libraries, reading rooms, hospitals, dispensaries, clinics to provide medical help to public in general. Providing personal counselling about rehabilitation programmes, guidance regarding job placement and marriage. 


Karma Kutir - Kolkata 

Karma Kutir - Kolkata 

Add: P-8 Gariahat Road 

Kolkata - 700 029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24640176 



Contact: Anuradha Chanda 

Purpose: Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Kolkata, 1961- the suburbs, slums and pavements were crowded with bodies. People raising families and trying to build a life between a drain and a sewer. And these were not Kolkata’s ordinary poor, they were the results of two waves of refugee migration from Bangladesh. Rootless and unwanted they had nowhere else to go. If the men suffered, the women and children suffered more. Eminent social workers of the city came together to find a solution to this problem. Karma Kutir was the result. Karma Kutir chose to encourage women to revive traditional art and earn themselves a living and supplement their family income. 


Karmyog - Kolkata 

Karmyog - Kolkata 

Add: 4 Rainy Park 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24763943 



Contact: Mrs Urmila Pasari 

Purpose: Art and culture, Child welfare, Education, Employment, Food and Nutrition, Health, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The name ‘’Karmyog’ is aptly chosen by the Founders of the Trust since it involves helping orphan/destitute girls beyond the age of 18, to make a place for themselves in the world and become self sufficient. The people involved are veterans in social service, having worked with neglected and destitute children for the last eleven years. The children are looked after and cared for through the 1. Save the Children Home 2. Child Care Home 3. Bunyadi Vidyapith 


Khadi Pratisthan - Kolkata 

Khadi Pratisthan - Kolkata 

Add: 15,College Square 

Kolkata - 700 073 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22416510 , 33-26730333 



Contact: Asit Rangan Das 

Purpose: Aged, Agriculture, Employment, Environment, Health, Rural Development, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Khadi Pratisthan is a reputed NGO in India and registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 in 1925 and amended, as Public Charitable trust in 1937. The organisation is related with the great leader of our country Mahatma Gandhi and other illustrious sons of our country. The founder members of the pratisthan were Dr Satish Candra Dasgupta, Dr Prafulla Ghosh, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy and others. Khadi Pratisthan received moral, physical and financial support from our founder Patron Mahatma Gandhi. Khadi Pratisthan did not function well two decades preceding 90’s. Partition of Bengal in 1947 and assassination of Mahatma Gandhi severely affected Khadi Pratisthan’s activities. Economic condition of pratisthan further deteriorated due to the founder leading figures passed away one after another. However, a few former associates of Dr Dasgupta, all active participants in Indian freedom struggle joined hands with some young energetic qualified social workers and revived Khadi Pratisthan to function. 


Kolkata Creative Art Performers - Kolkata 

Kolkata Creative Art Performers 

Add: Subhas Pally 

Madhyamgram Bazar 

Kolkata - 700130 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25386424 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Kingsuk Bandyopadhyay 

Purpose : Social awareness. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are a socio-cultural organization. We are engaged in awareness generation programs for society development on various issues and elicit understanding among the general public about the concerned issue. 


Kolkata Foundation - Kolkata 

Kolkata Foundation 

Add: Ad-166   

Samar Dey Sarani 

Kolkata - 700102 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25737930 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. Badsa Mondal, Secretory 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Sustainable development through participatory concept based community development organization. 


Kolkata Sagnik Society - Kolkata 

Kolkata Sagnik Society 

Add: 8, Sneha Gardens 

28, Rai Bahadur   

Kolkata - 700053 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098311 08309 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. Reshmi Dutta 

Purpose : Health development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Health promotion and health education women, child and geriatric group. Adolescent health care. School health programme. 


Kolkata Saviour Society - Kolkata 

Kolkata Saviour Society 

Add: D-34, Katju Nagar 

Prince Anwar 

Kolkata - 700032 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094744 79091 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Laha Soma 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Integrate development for the tribal people eradicate illiteracy & poverty, basic development of health and nutrition for the mothers and children predominantly rural areas. 


Ktelipara Development Society - Kolkata 

KDS - Ktelipara Development Society 

Add: Santa Nir 

Noa Para, Barasat 

Kolkata - 700124 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094332 31375 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. G.C. Baidya 

Purpose : All 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Kds vision is to poverty alleviation, Women empowerment, Egalitarian society free from exploitation, Socio-economic development for the poor people. 

Kds envision itself as a financially self-sustainable micro-finance institution with a wide base of ownership. 

Fit is committed to strengthening the socio-economic status of the poor women in rural area by providing micro-financial services for establishing their identity and self image. 

increase income of the poor family, Increase new employment, organisation self-reliance. 


Lake Gardens Women And Children Development Centre - Kolkata 

Lake Gardens Women and Children Development Centre 

Add: 648   

Lake Gardens   

Kolkata - 700045 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24171340 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Cecilia Sircar 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To reduce drop out of girl children, to ensure good health of girl children through proper supplementary nutrition, to provide a platform to the women through self help groups where they can able to raise their voices, to initiate women empowerment programe through income generation activities. 


Liberal Association For Movement Of People - Calcutta 

Liberal Association for Movement of People - Calcutta 

Add: 66 

Surya Sen Street 

Calcutta - 700009 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22418496 , 33-22417469 



Contact: Malay Dewanji 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Development(General), Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Health, Poverty, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: LAMP caters to Health for all. It promotes safe sex and mobilises public support for HIV/AIDS control; organises workshops and seminars on enviornment, women's health and poverty eradication. 



Lucy - Kolkata 

LUCY - Let Us Care for You 

Add: 0/1/1   

Nilmoni Mitra Street 

Kolkata - 700006 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094334 86773 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Biswaroop Biswas 

Purpose : Resources. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Care-that’s the common factor. Young enthusiastic and indomitable young people from in and around kolkata and also from other states and even abroad poured in with one common motto –let us care for you. Thus lucy was formed and started its journey on 11th of september 2005. 

Yes 11th september-the day of terrorism, the day of death. The date the world will not be able to forget. Let us care for you started its journey with the slogan donate blood don’t shed it. 

Lucy ventures in various fields. Starting from blood donation lucy stretches hands for the underprivileged children extending support for their health, hygiene and education. Self help groups are created under the banner of lucy for a better tomorrow for the young underprivileged class. Hiv-aids is one of the biggest threats of today’s world. Counseling and intervention of hiv - aids is one of the important projects of lucy. Caring hands of lucy is also stretched for cancer and thallasaemia affected children. 

We welcome all to join our cause and become our blood relations, regardless of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion or nationality. We want your support to make our world beautiful. 

Lucy is a completely non - profit, voluntary, subscription - driven society registered under the west Bengal societies registration act. 



Lutheran World Service India - Kolkata 

Lutheran World Service (India) - Kolkata 

Add: Lutheran World Service (India) 

84 Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road 

Kolkata - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22849730 , 33-22443062 



Contact: Mr. Howard Jost 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disability, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal issues, Urban Development, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: LWS India Vision is to ensure that people of India are living in just secular and peaceful societies. In communal harmony and with dignity. United in diversity and empowered to achieve their universal rights to basic needs and quality of life. 


Maladanga Pratidandgi Kalyan Samiti - Birbhum 

Maladanga Pratidandgi Kalyan Samiti 

Add: Dangalpara Puratanline   

Near Masjid 

Birbhum - 731101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3462-253425, 91-097321 41395 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : 

Purpose : Disability development. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Sustainability livelihood for disability. 


Malda Hyderpur Social Welfare Institute - Malda Hyderpur 

Malda Hyderpur Social Welfare Institute 

Add: Hyderpur   

Nr. Jame Masjid 

Malda - 732101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094343 71869 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Md. Allama Iqbal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Social work regarding - health, education, cultural and social activities, environment etc. 


Malda Sahayogita Samiti - Malda 

Malda Sahayogita Samiti 

Add: S.C. Road 

Old Malda 

Malda - 732128 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3512-260916 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Biswajit Bose 

Purpose : Social welfare service   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Every human being is the vase of divine potentiality. The basic thing is to discover the potentiality and latent power through a self-unfolding process so that individuals can be driven by their own conscious and not by the fate. 

The envisioned society will be just and free from man-made pollution. Such society will survive with its own indigenous socio-cultural identity and human value base. The people here will live with bond of love and mutual respect being enlightened with life-oriented education. Such a society will be free from the forces of patriarchy and will be full of peace and harmony.   

The Malda Sahayogita Samiti (MSS) makes every effort to provide opportunities for socio-economic development of the poor and down trodden people in general with particular emphasis on organizing the poorer of the poorest community both of urban and rural areas, women, children, disabled and the marginal farmers through community participation. 

The central role of MSS is enabler. To discharge the duties and responsibilities of the central role it complies with the inherent roles like motivator, facilitator and provider. 

MSS is working towards networking, advocacy and lobbying with other like-minded ngos. the issue areas of involvement are child right, women right, human right, food & work right, consumer right, farmers’ rights, education, health, adolescent, youth development, environment, population, aids, sanitation, arsenic, erosion, migration, trafficking, local issues etc. 

To social movement in the area child rights, women empowerment, human rights, food & work right, consumer protection rights etc. 

To develop human potentiality and critical awareness so that the identified group of people become able to organize themselves. 

To enhance knowledge and skill of the identified group of people so that they can plan and act accordingly towards achieving sustainable development trough participatory process. 

To develop the status of women through organizing mahila mandalis. 

To aware the community and especially the women regarding health, education, environment, disability and also to provide related support services.   

To take necessary measures to generate income through micro-credit and allied programmes by developing self-help groups. 

To facilitate the community in adopting disaster preparedness and awareness on environmental changes along with the factors and forces behind such changes. 

To make the community informed about their rights and mainstream development programmes of the state as well as central government and various linkages establish with line departments.   

To motivate people for judicious utilization of local resources. 

To create socio-economic-cultural-political awareness among the people. 

To emphasis the need for education as the first step to fight against poverty. 

To provide and arrange need based training to the rural folk, men and women, to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skill to become socio – economically self-reliant. 


Mant - Kolkata 


Add: 68/7   

Purna Das Road   

Kolkata - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24651311 

Email : , 

Website :   

Contact Person : Papiya Sen, Executive Director 

Purpose : Let everyone be happy, let all be wholesome, let everybody see the good of life, let none suffer.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : The trust believes in the people-centered development through empowerment of marginalized people. It stipulates the dictum that integrated rural development is a process in which people take the conscious initiative in order to manage resources for the people, there by ensuring people’s participation, which leads to the development by the people. 


Mantra - Kolkata 


Add: 19/2- B 

Selimpur Road 

Kolkata - 700031 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24734434 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Anjan Sen Chowdhury 

Purpose : Mainstreaming grassroots level initiatives into macro planning. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Strengthening the existing mechanisms of services by both go, ngo and others by better coordination among the immediate stakeholders through small area specific interventions. 


Mass Education - Kolkata 

Mass Education 

Add: Mahamayatala 


Kolkata - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24772010 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sukumar Singh 

Purpose : Access of wider contact and funding the project. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Sustainable development for the vulnerable population including children, women and tribals. 


Matrisama Society - Kolkata 

Matrisama Society 

Add: Uttar Ukil Para 

Near Shib Kali Mandir, Baruiur 

Kolkata - 700144 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094331 67193 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sadhak Mandal 

Purpose : Improve our villages. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To help poor villagers, like child, oldman & woman, improve our backward villagers & also our country. 


Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre - Kolkata 

Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre - Kolkata 

Add: 39 Mominpore Road 


Kolkata - 700 023 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24495446 



Contact: Mr Rabiul Ahmed 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Health, Labour, Minorities, Rural Development, Training, Tribal issues, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Committed to social service through all round approaches involvement of the community and a participatory approach of planning and implementation are our corner-stone of our activities. Ensuring and enabling self-sufficiency through resource –mobilisation for the community is our hallmark of our philosophy of services. Monitoring and evaluation of our on-going programme is our key methodology for involving a current and suitable approaches through our activities. 



Mentaid - Kolkata 

Mentaid - Kolkata 

Add: 17 A Brojen Mukherjee Road   


Kolkata - 700 034 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24789510 



Contact: Mrs Iona Kundu 

Purpose: Art and culture, Disability, Education, Human Rights, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: MENTAID is an association for development of the Mentally Handicapped. The first organisation of its kind in West Bengal exclusively formed by Parents of the Mentally handicapped children and adults. It is a non-profit making voluntary NGO for overall development of the mentally handicapped. MENTAID’s mission is to improve the quality of life of children and young people with mental handicap by providing a range of services to meet their needs. The aims of MENTAID : 1) To advance the personal development of mentally handicapped people to greater opportunities and education, training, leisure and recreational activities. 2) To promote personal choice and independence where ever possible. 3) To encourage full participation, integration and involvement in the association, community and society. 


Milli Mission Of Bengal - Calcutta 

Milli Mission of Bengal - Calcutta 

Add: 7/1, Jannagar Road 

First Floor 

Calcutta - 700017 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22842742 



Contact: Anisur Rahaman 

Purpose: Child welfare, Development(General), Education, Environment, Forestry, Health, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: MMB was established with its multi-purpose aims and objects to reform the infra-structure of the existing backward society on the light of modern education by presenting sound health through medical assistance, sustainable development, social and environmental awareness to the poorest of the poor. 


Mirik Global Care Foundation - Darjeeling 

Mirik Global Care Foundation 

Add: Krishna Nagar   

P.S. Mirik 

Darjeeling - 734214 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-354-2243321 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Rishi Yonzone 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : The organisation shall work for the upliftment of the rural people by education and building up of their capacity in regard to rural health, child and mother care environmental pollution, hiv/aids human traffiking, and self employment scheme. 


Mnssws - Bankura 

MNSSWS - Mankanali Netaji Subhas Social Welfare Society 



Bankura - 722175 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3242-314628 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Jayanta Kumar Pal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : We work all kind of social service like that education, health, agriculture etc. We want to develop our human society through our organisation. 


Mollarpur Integrated Village Development Society - Birbhum 

Mollarpur Integrated Village Development Society 

Add: Mollarpur   


Birbhum - 731216 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3462-250713 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Raihan Ul Haque 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Main object is agriculture development of this area, development through training to the unemployed youth. 


Mukti - Raidighi 


Add: Purba Sridharpur   


Raidighi - 743383 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-317-4214454 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sankar Halder 

Purpose : Health, education, culture, livelihood, ecology. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To work on village development in West Bengal, especial in Sunderban region. 


My Dear Trees And Wilds - Bankura 

My Dear Trees and Wilds - Bankura 

Add: My Dear Trees and Wilds 

Project Office- Paribar Parikalpana Sahayak Kendra 

Bishnupur, Dist. Bankura - 722122 

West Bengal 




Contact: Bhairab Gangopadhyay 

Purpose: Child welfare, Environment, Health, Media, Population, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: MDTW educates and promotes the professional interests, knowledge, civic consciousness on environment, health and population control. It conducts awareness programmes on the impact of solid wastes. 



Naba Nari Pragati Sangha - Calcutta 

Naba Nari Pragati Sangha - Calcutta 

Add: 17/1 

Baikuntha Saha Rao 

Calcutta - 700075 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24838202 



Contact: Swapna Sarkar 

Purpose: Human Rights, Urban Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: NNPS aims at development of the weaker sections of society especially women. It encourages them to fight for their rights, including their right to health and right to educatio 


Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samiti - Nadia Shibpur 

Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samiti 

Add: K.C. Lahiri Lane 


Nadia - 741101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094341 10881 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Amit Kumar Biswas 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : The society has been entrusted with fabulous social, spiritual, charitable activities throughout the whole year with the consistent performance of general awareness programmes on polio, leprosy, snake bite, child labour, blood donation, environment, bio-fertilizer, literacy, hiv/aids, public health awareness amongst the pregnant mother by which the entire people of these areas are physically participated in those programmes whole heartedly at shibpur under dhananjoypur gram panchayat of Nakashipara p.s. & block in Nadia district irrespective of all castes and creeds jointly with the devotees.   

With this perspective, the society organized various programmes like seminars, meetings, cultural activities, work shops and socio economic programmes agriculture development in the remote village area through the actual demonstration and adoption in collaboration with the local people with the help of local panchayet and local people and shirdi sai trust, Chennai. 


Nari O Sishu Kalyan Kendra - Howrah 

Nari-O-Sishu Kalyan Kendra 

Add : Khaskhamar   


Howrah - 711310 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-98306 46876 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Rahima Khatun 

Purpose : A women development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : 


Nature Environment And Wildlife Society - Calcutta 

Nature Environment and Wildlife Society - Calcutta 

Add: 117, Karmani Mansion 

25A, Park Street 

Calcutta - 700020 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22290079 , 33-22290429 



Contact: Biswajit Roy Chowdhury 

Purpose: Environment 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The society was formed with a purpose to carryout research and to promote awareness on wildlife and environment. It organises annual nature and field ornithology camps, exhibition and photo-contest on wildlife and environment, organises seminars, campaign and talks to promote awareness and to fight against wildlife trade. It also publishes a magazine called Environ. 


Navadiganta - Calcutta 

Navadiganta - Calcutta 

Add: 29, Banerjee Para Road 


Calcutta - 700061 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24477340 



Contact: Sachidulal Banerjee 

Purpose: Aged, Child welfare, Development(General) 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Navadiganta is a non-governmental voluntary social welfare organisation dedicated to the service of society. It has been engaged in various social and charitable activities like running an orphanage, and old-age home, day care centre, a primary school and a medical care unit. In the orphanage the children are taught to become socially conscious citizens with a good education. In the old-age home, the beneficiaries are provided family counselling so that a cordial relationship is maintained with their families. 


Nayali - Pathar 

NAYALI - Network Association for Youth Action and Liberal Intention 

Add: Durbachati 

Paschim Surendranagar 

Pathar - 743347 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25427879, 91-098304 60549 

Email :   

Website :   

Contact Person : Samar Kumar Mitra, Secretary 

Purpose : Community based rehabilitation of challenged (hearing impaired) including income generation. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Complete rehabilitation of challenged persons (hearing impaired) including capacity building and small business development for their earning so that they can survive with self respect. 


Neev Foundation - South 24 Parganas 

Neev Foundation 



South 24 Parganas - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094331 35535 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Tapashi Ghosh 

Purpose : Working for children education and health. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To work for education and health of the destitute children. 



New Alipore Praajak Development Society - Kolkata 

New Alipore Praajak Development Society - Kolkata 

Add: 468-A, Block K 

New Alipore 

Kolkata - 700 053 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24000455 , 33-24000592 



Contact: Mr Deep Purkayastha 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Health, Human Rights, Labour, Minorities, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Vision of Praajak: Praajak is a health and social development society registered on the 17th September 1997 under the Society’s Act. It is committed to providing a range of support services to marginalised sections of our society in an equitable and gender-sensitive and ethical manner. Mission of Praajak: In today’s patriarchal society males still wield an enormous power in decision making, be it at the social level, in their families, community or national level. Therefore non-participation and non-involvement of them in various development programmes particularly in health and education make such intervention programmes ineffective and unsustainable. Non-participation of males in social development programmes often related to and results in misinterpretation of their attitudes and beliefs about masculinity. Crime, violence, sexual abuse, chemical dependence and social deviation in males play a morbid role in their growing up as masculine. Praajak challenges such traditional constructions that come in the way of inculcating social responsibility in males. 



Nimta Astha Social Development And Training Center - Kolkata 

Nimta Astha Social Development and Training Center 

Add: 181 

Alipore Main Road 

Kolkata - 700049 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094331 64128 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Atanu Chatterjee 

Purpose : Rural development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We want to some social work for rural people in the field of health and education specially for budding children for the future betterment of our country. 


Nimtala Rural Development Project - Midnapore 

Nimtala Rural Development Project - Midnapore 

Add: Vill.& PO Nimtala 

Via. Ghatal 

Dist. Midnapore - 721212 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3225-255160 



Contact: Sajal Kanti Mukherjee 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Health, Human Rights, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The main aim of the organisation is to develop self-regarding activities of basic health habits in drop-outs, street and working children between the age group of 11-12 years, thereby making their life more meaningful through non-formal homely education. 


Niswarth - Jalpaiguri 


Add: Bagrakote 

Tea Estate 

Jalpaiguri- 735204 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097331 01050 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Harsh Kumar 

Purpose : Niswarth is at present providing training, employment and financial support to a number of physical. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : "Niswarth", established in 2007, is a registered Non Governmental Organisation, based at Bagracote Tea Garden in North Bengal, India. The key focus area for this organisation is the empowerment of Physically Challenged and Underprivileged persons irrespective of religion, sex, caste, creed or social status.   

Our activities help spread awareness over the plight some of the most destitute and vulenerable people in our society. Our objective is to protect the interest of such persons against unnecessary harrasment and assaultation and to help them grow their self respect and confidence. We also safeguard them from the provocation of street begging and child labour and try and bring them back to the stream of normal life. 

Niswarth is at present providing training, employment and financial support to a number of physically challenged persons. It provides in-house training followed by employment for the production of a number of products such as incense sticks, silk scarves and various household items. Donations received by the organisation also helps us in organising camps to identify disabled people and help them with rehabilitation. 


Noble Mission Of South Calcutta - Kolkata 

Noble Mission of South Calcutta - Kolkata 

Add: 122/1/1/4A Monoharpukur Road 

Kolkata - 700 026 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24638826 



Contact: Mrs Linda Bardhan 

Purpose: Disability, Education, Health, Intellectual property, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Armed with 1 classroom and 2 professionals and class assistants the centre started its mission to train the mentally challenged and afford them the opportunity of special education and skill training. By 2002 the beneficiary has risen from 6 to nearly 60 and today at NOBLE MISSION a group of professionals, with extensive experience and accredited training, volunteers, and families with special children have come together to create a platform for providing remedial and inclusive education – skill training in the area of daily living, communication, academics and socialisation, pre-vocational and vocational skills to suffering from: 1. Developmental disorders 2. Down syndrome 3. Autism 4. Cerebral palsy 5. Hyper kinesis 6. Seizure disorders 7. Learning disabilities. 



Noorpur Ananda Pally Child And Women Development Society - South 24 Parganas 

Noorpur Ananda Pally Child and Women Development Society 

Add: Company Pukur, Noorpur 

Ram Nagar, Viasharisha 

South 24 Parganas - 743368 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094332 21979 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sumanta Pradhan 

Purpose : Health and education 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Rural development of poor child about health and education. 


Om Shanti - Kolkata 

Om Shanti 

Add: 104/12, Narkel   

Danga North Road   

Kolkata - 700011 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-23522290 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Syama Prasad Baral 

Purpose : Shanti 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Soul are all equal. 


Organization For Under Privileged Society - Kolkata 

OUPS - Organization for Under Privileged Society 

Add: 67/1   


Kolkata - 70006 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098831 31103 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Krishnendu Chatterjee 

Purpose : Our motto-to implement mdg truly for our society.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under represented and marginalized sectors of society.   

For bridging the data gap and improving information availability we are committed to develop and establish an ideal medium for the participation and exchange of a trusted and accurate source of quality information. 

We are committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. 


Oxfam Gb In India - Kolkata 

Oxfam GB in India - Kolkata 

Add: 127 A, Sarat Bosr Road 

Kolkata - 700 026 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24744482 , 33 24744482 



Contact: Mrs Gracykutty Middey 

Purpose: Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Health, Poverty 


Paam - Kolkata 

Annabhau Sathe Foundation 

Add: 2, Basunagar 


Kolkata - 700129 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-332-5385165 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Debraj Roy 

Purpose : Pratitioners association of alternative medicine. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Development, resources, funds, rural empowerment, health awareness and relief. 

To promote free health check up camp, free medicine distribution, various awareness camp of health and establish hospital, poly clinic, diagnostic center for the benefit of the rural people.   

To identify specific cerebral, cardiac, renal, respiratory, eye and other major health anomaly of the rural people and communicate with district or state level of consultancy for provide better treatment. 

To identify cancer, aids, tuberculosis, leprosy, std and other communicable or non-communicable major disease and provide better treatment by the help of higher competent authority.   

To promote the prevention of child labour, child marriage and juvenile injustice.   

To promote the prevention of dowry, sexual exploitation, mtp, prenatal diagnosis of unborn baby, indecent representation of women. 

To promote the prevention of misleading of drugs and magic remedies, misuses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, drug addiction etc. 

To cooperate with national and international organizations having similar objectives and depute or receive representative from such organizations and to work for development of community awareness and vocational activity for the rural mass. 

To undertake different type of welfare programs for the disabled. 

Mission is to aware the rural people about their health, essducation and basic rights, assists them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical know how, guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in rural economy.   

Multidisciplinary segment of society need for recovery from disharmony and injustice comes to our mission for how much we can. 


Palm Avenue Integration Society - Calcutta 

Palm Avenue Integration Society - Calcutta 

Add: B 301 

Bhubneshwar Apts 

Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22405237 



Contact: Pawan Dhall 

Purpose: Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Integration seeks to improve the mental and physical health status of the youth and sexual minorities, with particular emphasis on sexuality, sexual health and human rights issues. A number of awareness generation activities are undertaken on these issues, which are supplemented with a wide range of services related to these issues. 

Panihati Chhatra Shakti - Kolkata 

Panihati Chhatra Shakti 

Add: 191   

Elias Road 

Kolkata - 700058 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098308 78455 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Kishore Kar 

Purpose : Child rights, education, health, awareness etc. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To protech rights of all children and protech from abuse, health problem, care for education, others development through arrange of competitions etc. 


Paribesh Unnayan Parishad - Calcutta 

Paribesh Unnayan Parishad - Calcutta 

Add: Phase-II, MIG-2, Block-4, Flat No.-19 

Golf Green Urban Complex 

Calcutta - 700095 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24136640 



Contact: Amales Misra 

Purpose: Environment, Urban Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission: PUP imparts education on environment; organises programmes to make people aware of the conservation of natural resources and introduces innovative methods of integrating enviornment education with formal education. 


Paschim Medinipur Swadesh Welfare Association - Medinipur 

Paschim Medinipur Swadesh Welfare Association 

Add: Chhotobazar 


Medinipur - 721101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094341 04333 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sanjoy Kundu 

Purpose : Promote it and education to the interior village level. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Want to educate the people of Paschim Medinipur upto interior village level. 


Path Welfare Society - Kolkata 

Path Welfare Society 

Add: 2 

Gope Lane 

Kolkata - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel :   

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Ruth Aparna Raju 

Purpose : Child rights and women empowerment. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Path Welfare society has been working since 2005 with mission and vision to empower children on their rights by ensuring children’s right to education, protection and participation through capacity building of various stakeholders and providing service to different target groups.   

Path is presently reaching out to deprived children and youth from slums and squatter colonies in Kolkata through coaching back up support for first generation school going children who require more support to be retained in school and placement of unemployed young people in vocational training institutes and jobs. 


Peace And Power - Burdwan 

Peace & Power 

Add: B- 304, Bengal Shristi Complex 

City Centre, Durgapur 

Burdwan - 713216 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-343-2543145 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sandip Sikder 

Purpose : Human Resource Development. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our ngo deals with human resource development, cultural development, educational development poor children and women, etc. 



People United For Better Living In Calcutta - Calcutta 

People United for Better Living in Calcutta - Calcutta 

Add: 11,Hindusthan Park 

Calcutta - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24642921 , 33-22495290 



Contact: Bonani Kakkar 

Purpose: Development(General), Environment, Local Administration 

Aim/Objective/Mission: PUBLIC aims at reducing noise and air pollution; lays emphasis on active citizens participation there by improving local government and land use. 


Peoples Union For Development And Reconstruction - Howrah 

Peoples Union for Development and Reconstruction - Howrah 

Add: 30/3-A, N S Dutta Road 

Howrah - 711 101 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-26677282 , 33-26673633 



Contact: Mrs Manju Bose 

Purpose: Agriculture, Art and culture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal issues, Urban Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: A group of social activists of various ethnic, religious and linguistic background coalesced together in the year of 1980 with the sole objective of bringing about positive changes in Indian society which will lead to a more just and egalitarian social order. PUDAR aims at creating awareness among the weaker sections of the society and builds network at the local, regional and national levels for mutual sharing of ideas and solidarity etc. 



Prabhu Jagannath Peoples Uplifting Society - Paschim Medinipur 

Prabhu Jagannath Peoples Uplifting Society 

Add: Sirishchak 


Paschim Medinipur - 721507 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093308 15988 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Arun Sankar Hota, Secretary 

Purpose : Uplifting of downtrodden people. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To work, and welfare for the leprosy effected persons and other facilities to maintain their life and livelihood.   

To work for the welfare of the orphans and way-ward child and also to the handicapped by taking up the program of agricultural works on co-operative basis, by way of plantation and by animal husbandries. 

To take up a welfare program for the untouchable persons. 

To set- up a colony for the said down trodden peoples such as leprosy, orphans, un- wedded mother and deserted females. 

To set- up and organized an adult education center within the down trodden peoples of the society. 

Specifically to take up a program for the welfare of the lodha, sabar, and kheria community. 

Specifically to take up a program for the welfare of the christian community and others sc, st and obc community as well as muslims. 

To organized lecture, symposium, musical performance, jatra, games etc. On the releam of socio-culture for the benefit of such down trodden peoples. 

To maintain and manage the peace and the harmony in the melodious life of the down trodden peoples in established them in the society. 

To employ men and women including the member of the society and or, from the said down trodden peoples with or, without remunerations in the interest of the society. 

To do or, cause to be done all such lawful things as are in accordance with the spirit and principles of the aims and objects of the society and are conductive to the attainment of the aims and object of the society. 


Pragati - Kolkata 

Pragati - Kolkata 

Add: 23, R.N. Mukherjee Road 

Kolkata - 700001 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22482951 , 33-22487058 



Contact: Shohini Majumdar 

Purpose: Disadvantaged communities, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Pragati provides a forum for discussion on the socio-economic problems faced by women and to implement some positive schemes for their social welfare and economic development. It has undertaken a number of programmes to promote the interests of women and the weaker sections of society. They include nutrition awareness, vocational training, legal awareness, legal literacy and personality development. It also undertakes studies in policy perspectives. 

Pragati Sangha Of Dara - 24 Parganas 

Pragati Sangha of Dara - 24 Parganas 

Add: Vill. & P.O. Dara 

Distt. 24 Parganas (South - 743337 

West Bengal 




Contact: Hrishikesh Das 

Purpose: Environment, Health, Poverty 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The main aim of the organisation is to bring about the socio-economic development of the people living below poverty line. It gives more emphasis on health and environment and focuses on eradication of diseases like tuberculosis. 


Pranavananda Institute Of Social Change - Kolkata 

Pranavananda Institute of Social Change 

Add : Basudevpally 


Kolkata - 700144 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-94330 99770, 91-98367 13108 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sukumar Halder 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To emerge multi dimensional activities to achive a value oriented sustainable society. 



Prantakatha - Kolkata 


Add: 23/8   

Gariahat Road   

Kolkata - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-098309 07208 



Contact: Bappaditya Mukherjee, Secretary 

Purpose: Civil society activism. 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Working on two core issues, gender justice and public health using advocacy (media & political) as tools for social change. 


Prantik Jan Vikas Samiti - Kolkata 

Prantik Jan Vikas Samiti - Kolkata 

Add: EC-163 

Salt Lake City 

Kolkata - 700064 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-23349158 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Dr. Satyajit Das Gupta 

Purpose : Seeking assistance for capacity building for programmes on child protection. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Non-formal education, health care and nutritional support for street and working children. Retention of disadvantaged children in formal schools and research-based documentation for effective child tracking. 


Prantik Jana Vikash Samity - Salt Lake City 

Prantik Jana Vikash Samity - Salt Lake City 

Add: Prantik Jana Vikash Samity 


Salt Lake City - 700064 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-23349158 



Contact: Nirode Baran Banerjee 

Purpose: Child welfare, Economics and Finance, Health, Rehabilitation, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation's main focus is on serving the downtrodden sections of the society. It stresses on promotion of non-formal educational processes to street and working children, vocational training, social rehabilitation, adult education for capacitation. It also promotes basic health care services and give loans for micro credits for economic betterment of the disadvantaged sections. 



Prayasam - Calcutta 


Add: CG-65 Sector 2   

Salt Lake City   

Calcutta - 700091 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-23343921 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Amlan Kusum Ganguly 

Purpose : Child rights 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The vision of a couple of committed individuals germinated in the slums of kolkata in 1996. It led to the creation of prayasam, which today reaches out to a million children. 

Unicef, which parented the birth of prayasam, continued fostering it for the next 10 years together with the association of several prominent citizens of the city. The founders, after much deliberation, decided to tackle the problem of health headlong. They could see only one way of correcting this problem and that was to involve the people of kolkata to help the government in its health for all mission. 

Prayasam's activities have spread to seven districts and assistance has come from the local government, leading business, corporate houses and the citizens. Committed individuals from every walk of life have chipped in. Overseas funding agencies and global implementing agencies such as the undp, dfid, world vision india and lutheran world service (India) have also been adequately impressed by the work of prayasam and funded certain of its activities in a few districts. Ngos like vikramshila education resource society has also partnered prayasam to strengthen and spread its peer educator concept.   

Since its inception, the goal of the prayasam team has been to ensure that "every child gets healthcare…and living in a healthy environment".   

Kolkata urban services for the poor, one of the newest additions to department for international development's is continuing its endeavour to reduce urban poverty in india. Kusp will imbibe and implement the dfid's overall policies with singular focus of reducing poverty. The project will target to improve the quality of lives of millions of slum dwellers within project area. Prayasam has been chosen as one of their grantees in the innovative challenge fund projects supported by kusp, whose main objective, improvement of the quality of life of the urban poor, matches that of the ngo.   

Over this 12-year period, prayasam has organised thousands of children in the slum areas to become peer leaders/educators, catalysing lifestyle changes within their communities. Focusing primarily on preventive health, sanitation and hygiene these children are changing the physical and social environment within which they live. Prayasam has developed a unique model based on the children's right to participation and development wherein they act as agents of change by forming groups and spreading awareness on health, hygiene and sanitation within their community. The area health minders are supported in their work by prayasam with information, training, developing information, education and communication materials and approach the local governments for infrastructure needs and requirements.   

In a rare achievement, the secretary and the founder-director of the organization, amlan kusum ganguly, was awarded with ashoka fellowship for his novel concepts on area health minders. More recently, he was invited to present his concept at the global summit on urban population health by the rockefeller foundation in bellagio, italy for his innovative solutions to urban health problems in slum areas. In December 2007, piyali mazumdar, director of prayasam, also attended a global conference on safe motherhood and women's health issues organised by women deliver in london. 

As we look back on another year and reflect on achievements and obstacles, let us reiterate the two key elements that make prayasam unique: its replicable and strong foundation, a broad vision, encompassing an inclusive geographical approach, a complete coverage, coupled with close links and co-operation with the government, certainly distinguishes it from other non-governmental organisations. 


Primary Children Corps - Calcutta 

Primary Children Corps - Calcutta 

Add: 4/139, Jatindas Nagar 


Calcutta - 700056 

West Bengal 




Contact: Sukumar Ranjan Sarkar 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission: PCC is engaged in working for the welfare of the physical and mental development of primary school children by motivating them to participate in games, competitions, cultural programmes, camps and tours. It also conducts programmes on environment conservation, where the children are encouraged to plant trees, attend exhibitions, workshops and awareness programmes on environment related issues. 


Protectors Of Huma Rights - Kolkata 

Protectors of Human Rights 

Add: 120, Ghanashyam   

Banerjee Road 

Kolkata - 700049 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092311 24359 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Debkumar Chatterjee 

Purpose : Human rights violation. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To protect and promote of human rights. 


Purba Dwarakapur Sebayan Sangha - Purba Dwarakapur 

Purba - Dwarakapur Sebayan Sangha 

Add: Purba - Dwarakapur   


24 Parganas (South) - 743383   

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-11-26923062 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : H.S. Rauth 

Purpose : Grass root development actives in Sundarban delta. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We believe that development should start from grass root levels, starting from education to livelihood. 


Purbachal Ananda Foundation - Durgapur 

Purbachal Ananda Foundation 

Add: 2/32, Purbachal   


Durgapur - 713201 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-343-2552230 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Arindam Banerjee 

Purpose : Feed back 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Purbachal Ananda Foundation is working for the children and womens. 

We provide shelter home for orphan and destitute childrens and womens. 


Purulia Abul Kalam Azad Welfare Society - Purulia 


Pushti - Burdwan 


Add: C/o Dr. Apurba Kumar Sen 

Diptibag, 2, Sankaripukur 

Burdwan - 713101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094341 67746 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. Amitava Ghosh 

Purpose : Social service 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Food and nutrition, vector disease awareness, aids/hiv awareness. 


Radharani Community Health Service - Bankura 

Radharani Community Health Service 

Add: Kethardanga   


Bankura - 722101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-324-2329553 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : 91-098322 99751 

Purpose : Education, health and environment 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To build a eye hospital, aids care program. 

To cure the informatics patient of laprocy. To setup a school for poor rural students. To setup a mendicant house. 


Raghunathpur Spot Light Society - Midnapore 

Raghunathpur Spot Light Society 

Add: Raghunathpur 

Opp. Text Print 

Midnapore - 721507 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3221-256533 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Debabrata Satpathy 

Purpose : Funding for charitable work 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We work in charitable work in India where lived in a poorer section. Scheduled caste scheduled tribes etc. 


Raghunathpur Spot Light Society - West Midnapore 

Raghunathpur Spot Light Society 

Add: Raghunathpur (Opp. Text Print) 


West Midnapore - 721507 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3221-256533 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Debabrata Satpathy 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : We wark in many charitable work in West Bengal. Main moto is our priminitive tribes groups. i.e Lodha/Sabar etc. They are live in forest area they are not civilize in human society. Our target is they are community back to our main human main stream. 


Rahara Theatre Campaign - North 24 Parganas 

Rahara Theatre Campaign 

Add: Dakshin Pally   


North 24 Parganas - 700118 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-65347863 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Avijit Some 

Purpose : Culture 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Awareness campaigning through performing arts in culture, health, education. 


Rajabazar Education And Awareness Development Society - Kolkata 

Rajadighi Community Health Service Society - Malda 

Rajadighi Community Health Service Society - Malda 

Add: Vill Eklakhi 

Post Rajadighi 

Distt. Malda - 732102 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3512-231112 , 3512-266174 



Contact: Shibesh Das 

Purpose: Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: RCHSS is engaged in programmes or activities focusing on issues related to community health. It conducts awareness programmes on importance of sanitation, mother and child health and nutrition, reproductive health care and other crucial issues. 


Rakshabandhan For Education - Chandrakona 

Rakshabandhan for Education 

Add: C/o Dr. Avijit Hazra   


Chandrakona - 721201 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094336 21872 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Chitta Ranjan Sinha   

Purpose : Save & nurture the intellect of future India. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education has never been and never be easy, both intellectually and economically.   

We believe that basic education is the birth right of every human being. However, due to financial reasons, there is a significant proportion of dropouts in India among the students coming from lower income groups after the school leaving examination.   

It is unnatural to expect a child to continue his/her education when the family has no means to support his/her books or school fees. Between hunger and education, isn’t the choice quite obvious? It is here that rakshabandhan for education steps in. 


Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad - Kolkata 

Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad - Kolkata 

Add: Po Narendrapur 


Kolkata - 700103 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24772201 , 33-24772070 



Contact: Swami Asaktananda 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal issues, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad is the development unit of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashram. Its main aim is to work for the empowerment of the people who should be able to work for their own development. RLMP has education, training and similar other programmes. 


Ramnagar Lane Forum Of Revolution For Communities Education - Kolkata 

Rangeeni Educational Society - Malda 

Rangeeni Educational Society 

Add: 19/F, Rental Housing Estate 


Malda - 732101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3512-268826 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Krishna Gopal Majhi 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Educational, pollution, health, aids etc. 


Reach India - Kolkata 

Reach India 

Add: 20-D   

Belvedere Road 

Kolkata - 700027 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24792452 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Alay Barah 

Purpose : Strengthen the self-help group movement 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Reach brings knowledge, life skills and linkages to massive numbers of poor rural women to build futures of health, hope and dignity for themselves and their families. Reach does this by leveraging the power of groups and the dynamism of private enterprise to deliver proven services brokered from an array of global development organizations. 


Resources Developmnent Foundation - Kolkata 

Resources Developmnent Foundation 

Add: B-7/1, Sector I   

Salt Lake 

Kolkata - 700064 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-23377956 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr.T.K.Ghosh 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To develop a society where every individual will have decent quality of life and enjoy social justice. 


Revolution An Essence For Freedom - Kolkata 

Revolution- An Essence for Freedom 

Add: 13, Vivekananda Road 


Kolkata - 700075 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24184054 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Surajit Dasmunshi 

Purpose : Child rights and human rights. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Helping children in India in the field of fooding, clothing, shelter and health. Objective is to delete the darkness by helping the indigent individuals of this wonderful world. 


Right Track - Kolkata 

Right Track - Kolkata 

Add: 15/9 Braunfeld Row 


Kolkata - 700 027 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24494072 



Contact: Mr Ashraf Mohammed 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disability, Education, Environment, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Population, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: RIGHT TRACK is a community based voluntary organisation and Registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961. It is located in SouthWest Region of Kolkata Metropolis, near Kolkata dock. It was established in 1988 for social, educational, economical and cultural development for the downtrodden section of the society. The organisation made sincere effort to organise and mobilise the mass movement to inspire them at every stage of livelihood. The aims and objectives of RIGHT TRACK are: 1. To create Mass Awareness among the disadvantaged section regarding their social, educational, economical and cultural predicament. 2. To facilitate process towards building of a Civil Society through collective action, participation and community based initiatives. 3. To make basic services, i.e. education, recreation, vocational training and counselling for growth and development accessible to working children. 4. To make them aware of their rights and the potential by which they can utilise their inherent resources and more productivity. 


Rupasi Bangla Welfare Society - South 24 Paraganas 

Rupasi Bangla Welfare Society 

Add: Hospital More, Bhadura 


South 24 Paraganas - 743504 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097339 70085 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Manas Kumar Samanta 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, water, rural development, health and agriculture. 


Rural Development Society - Bankura 

Rural Development Society 

Add: Central Church Compound   


Bankura - 722101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-324-2250001 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Kalyan Kumar Kisku 

Purpose : Empowerment of women and children. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Establishing human rights for livelihood development for all section of people. 


Rural Health Development Centre - Balurghat 

Rural Health Development Centre - Balurghat 

Add: Village Jamuna 

PO Baragam, Dakshandinajpur 

Balurghat - 733128 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3523-271159 



Contact: Ratan Sarkar 

Purpose: Aged, Agriculture, Child welfare, Disaster management, Education, Forestry, Health, Rural Development, Sanitation, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: RHDC visions of a just society where there is no discrimination and all developmental activities are carried out with people's participation. The main areas of focus include care for aged people, disaster management, elimination of child labour, and community health 


Sabera Foundation Sabuj Sangha - South 24 Parganas 

Sabera Foundation 

Add: Dey'S Estate 

Gazipur Post Office   

Kanganberia - 743503 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24957186 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Aswini Nayak 

Purpose : Required physically handicapped childrens. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The Foundation provides all the facilities for the girls: a home to live in, formal education, professional training, medical care, nutrition, sports, music teaching, dance, computer training and other activities. 

The Foundation also works in the medical area with a Children´s Health Centre which has a capacity of 50 beds, providing medical care to children, women and others in need, especially mentally and physically handicapped children. In the Health Centre other programmes have also been started, such as a tuberculosis clinic, an ophthalmologic clinic, a regular Out Door Patient clinic, a mobile clinic and a special cases programme where critical diseases such as heart operations, physical traumas, and orthopaedic problems are treated as they arise. 

The policy of the Foundation is to continue working in existing areas in addition to opening more homes for girls and medical units. This will be done by expanding current activities using the resources and expertise of those already involved with the Foundation. 


Sachetna - Kolkata 

Sachetna - Kolkata 

Add: 31, Mahairban Road 

Kolkata - 700 029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24634485 



Contact: Mrs Joyanti Sen 

Purpose: Information and Communications Technology, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sachetana is one of the oldest voluntary women’s organisation in Kolkata. It was founded in 1982. As the name suggests we have been focused on raising awareness on women’s issues and problems. Printing and publication is one of the mediums through which we have sought to disseminate our idea about women’s issues. Our concerns are: 1) Dissemination of our understanding through cultural activities. 2) Debate on contradictions in feminist theories. 


Sahamarmi - Kolkata 

Sahamarmi - Kolkata 

Add: Block-D, Flat-12 

98 Karaya Road 

Kolkata - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22403994 



Contact: Rama Mukherjee 

Purpose: Disability, Health, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sahamarmi works for the welfare of the mental patients and their families. Mainly consists of three activities- psycho-social therapy, occupation and rehabilitation therapy and recreation therapy. It's focus is on empowering women in sustainable development. 


SAHAY - Kolkata 

Add: 734 Block-P 

New Alipore 

Kolkata - 700053 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24005767 , 33-24007575 



Contact: Mr Niraj Agrawal, Director 

Purpose: Child welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sahay works towards its vision of making children healthy, educated and self-reliant through its number of support programmes for children from poor families 


Saket - Kolkata 


Add: 77/1 

Topsia Road (South) 

Kolkata - 700046 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-32450839 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Sarfaraz Ahmed Khan 

Purpose : Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To empower underpriviledge and deprived section of society through quality education. 


Samaritan Help Mission - Howrah 

Samaritan Help Mission - Kolkata 

Samaritan Help Mission 

Add: 127, Noor Md   

Munshi Lane 

Kolkata - 711101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-28494068 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Mamoon Akhtar 

Purpose : Education of the deprived children of the slum of Tikiapara Howrah 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our motto is to help people on need not on creed. 

Our objective and mission is to bring each underprivileged child of the slum who are involved in drug trafficking and peddling back to school under illiteracy elimination program. 


Samikshani - Calcutta 

Add: 37, Southend Park 

Calcutta - 700029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24663504 



Contact: Chandana Baksi 

Purpose: Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation aims to offer comprehensive clinical services towards the betterment of mental health, that are accessible to all sections of society. It increases awareness of mental health in the community; encourages research in the field of mental health; and provides training in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. 


Sane And Enthusiast Volunteers Association Of Kolkata - Kolkata 

Sane & Enthusiast Volunteers Association of Kolkata - Kolkata 

Add: 135 A, Vivekananda Sarani, Podaaswathatala 


Kolkata - 700 063 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24970947 



Contact: Dr Tapas Kumar Ray 

Purpose: Aged, Disability, Health, Human Rights, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SEVAC is a non-profit making and non-governmental organisation. It is working at the national level for the cause of mental patients giving emphasis on their treatment, rehabilitation and human rights promotion. SEVAC has also constituted a national network for the promotion and protection of mental health and human rights of the vulnerable group with particular reference to the women, children, elderly and the disabled. Other major components of SEVAC ongoing projects are : Human Rights and Mental Health Training, Advocacy for the Cause of the Mental Patients and other Vulnerable Groups, Promotion of Human Rights of the Vulnerable Groups who have been languishing in jails and other custodial institutions. 


Sanhita - Kolkata 

Add: 89 B, Raja Basanta Roy Road 

Kolkata - 700 029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22161471 , 33-22845525 



Contact: Soma Sengupta 

Purpose: Human Rights, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SANHITA’S VISION: A GENDER JUST SOCIETY SANHITA’S work is based on the conviction that information is an effective tool for empowerment. Our primary focus is on providing space for exchange of information, facilitating dialogue on various women’s issues, setting up dissemination channels to farthest points possible and sharing information with a wide spectrum of partners. 


Sanlaap - Kolkata 


Add: 38-B 

Mahanirban Road 

Kolkata - 700029 

West Bangal 

Tel: 91-33-24649596 



Contact: Ms. Indrani Sinha 

Purpose: Combatting trafficking & second generation prostitution. 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sanlaap is a gender sensitive, development organisation, an ngo in West Bengal, india focussing on counter trafficking initiatives for the most vulnerable – namely women and children. Other than {and because of its uni-focal and grass root intervention} its work in West Bengal, Sanlaap is an important policy-influencing organisation in the south asian region. It is also one of the first organisations in the region to holistically approach the issue of trafficking in persons and works on a range of activities as a part of its counter trafficking measures – from campaign, advocacy, and sensitisation of various stakeholders on the issue of trafficking, to the rescue, rehabilitation, and socio-economic reintegration of trafficked persons. 

Sanlaap also working with several international donors and various sub-national and national state departments. The major expansion of the organisation has occurred in the past 9 (nine) years of its existence and can be labelled as its defining period. This has been in terms of volume of work and programme delivery, staff strength, growth and development in terms of issues and project processes, financial transactions and fund availability, etc. The issue of human trafficking has assumed disturbing manifestations and proportions simultaneously; in the past decade and the programmatic / structural growth of the organisation has been a response to the desperate need for intervention in the sector. 

Sanlaap is recognised as one of the leading organisations in the area of counter trafficking initiatives in the south asian region. The organisation has mandated itself to provide care, support, assistance and protection of survivors of trafficking and towards the prevention of trafficking in human beings in the south asian region especially for commercial sexual exploitation. Sanlaap has regional level expertise and exposure on various activities relating to counter trafficking, which include protection of victims, care, support and psycho-social interventions (including psychological counselling), return and reintegration, information dissemination, capacity building, research and policy advocacy. 


Sarani - Kolkata 

SARANI - Society for Action on Rehabilitation Awareness Networking and Information 

Add: 156/1 

B.T. Road   

Kolkata - 700108 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25788122 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Banya Ghosal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To make this world a safe place for women and children by protecting their rights and financial empowerment of women. 



Sarc Survey Advisory Research Consultancy - Kolkata 

SARC - Survey Advisory Research Consultancy 

Add: EE-202/10   

Sec-2 Salt Lake 

Kolkata - 700091 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098741 93645 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : M D Saha 

Purpose : Survey, research referral, advisory role, data compilation, analysis etc. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To bridge the gap between the govt. and the various organisations working in the socio-dev sector. Sarc works particularly for women, children, underprivileged, hiv-aids, senior citizens etc. 


Saroj Nalini Dutt Memorial Association - Kolkata 

Add: 23/1 Ballygunge Station Road 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24406852 , 33 24408656 



Contact: Mrs Aroti Dutt 

Purpose: Aged, Child welfare, Disability, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Employment, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Grants/Aids, Health, Human Rights, Information and Communications Technology, Law, Population, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: In India early last century the position of women was low both in social and economic life. They had neither education nor economic ability, having no share in their husband and father’s property. Their life was a long history of ignominy and suffering depending on charity. The basic idea of pioneering organisation was to give dignity to women and to empower them with education and economic freedom through Training of Crafts and vocational education. Our mission is to reach that goal and give a place of honour to women which they will gain on their own right and be considered by her family and society as a person of worth recognition and respect. We have to move with the time, in the present day information Technology has got priority in many aspects and we have added in our project Planning Computer Training for girls. 


Sasha Association For Craft Producers - Calcutta 

Add: 1/C, Chatu Babu Lane 

Calcutta - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22449761 , 33-22449776 



Contact: Subhashini Kohli 

Purpose: Employment, Micro-enterprises, Poverty 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Sasha is a not-for-profit marketing outlet for more than a hundred groups of craftspeople and producers from all over India. 

Sasha is actively involved in the Fair Trade movement and is a committed member of the International Federation of Alternative Trade and a founding member of the Fair Trade Forum, India. 


Save The Children Committe Of India - Kolkata 

Add: 4-A, Helen Kelar   

Sarani Majerhat   

Kolkata - 700045 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094330 75029 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sankar 

Purpose : Child devlopment. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To take care of orphan child, we have 7 homes in West Bengal. 


Save The Environment - Kolkata 

Add: 18/1 

Kailash Ghosh Road 

Kolkata - 700008 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-64570693 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Pralay O.Basu 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Drinking water mission. 


Sbms - Kolkata 

SBMS - Seth Bagan Mahila Sangha - Kolkata 

Add: 77 

Nayapatty Road 

Kolkata - 700055 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-65252689 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Asha Sadhukhan, Secretary 

Purpose : Hiv/aids control and prevention. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : SBMS has a broad goal of empowering the commercial sex workers towards the holistic and sustainable development. It also aims to empower the children of sex workers so that they can have a meaningful life and get a better option in their future. 


Seemahin Vikash Kendra - Nadia 

Add: Barach and Ghar 


Nadia - 741196 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092319 60372 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dibakar Roy 

Purpose : Develop rural India 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Semahin Vikash Kendra, an initiative of rural development in West Bengal, was born out of a need for information activism and networking among grassroots organisations working towards the empowerment of women.   

SVK aims to increase access to information.   

SVK, conducts trainings, publishes, and provides a referral service. SVK also collects, processes, and disseminates information through action research programs and by means of a library and documentation centre. It is a cultural resource centre working in the area of rural people's rights. It's also involved in research and documentation on issues of rural development. 

It was formed in 2001 as a platform of rural people. Today it is mainly a campaign group consisting of members from varied background- farmers, students, housewives, professional, lecturers etc. The members meet regularly once in a week and every one puts their voluntary time in the work that needs to be done.   

The major objective of SVK is to develop a perspective in understanding rural issues and the development, and to sensitise everyone about rural issues. SVK sponsors and indirectly supports the following activities, studies workshops, research, documentation, support cen-tres for rural people in distress, mobilization of farmer in villages to join , and publication of books and annual reports. 

Our mission is to contribute towards the empowerment of rural people to enable them to gain control over their own, their families and their communities health. Its trainings tar-get supervisors, trainers, program managers and practitioners of ngos. In order to provide a good flow of information, a documentation and information centre has been created. Today ours main efforts are aimed at documenting the lives of rural people in West Bengal and health issues. The collection contains a special section of training manuals.   

SVK was established as a forum for adivasi/indigenous people\'s movements. Its objective is to strengthen the process of building solidarity and alliances amongst struggle oriented indigenous people's organizations.   

Our aims to identify shared issues and problems, to generate debate on these issues and to provide support to help deal with them.   

We have a research centre. It's comprised of a group of professionals working for the re-alization of women's equality and development in all spheres of life. The centre maintains collection on women and development in India, open to students, research scholars, gender consultants, policy makers, journalists etc. 


Seth Bagan Mahila Sangha - Kolkata 

SBMS - Seth Bagan Mahila Sangha 

Add: 77   

Nayapatty Road 

Kolkata - 700055 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-65252689 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Asha Sadhukhan, Secretary 

Purpose : Hiv/aids control and prevention. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Empowering the commercial sex workers towards the holistic and sustainable development. 


Seva Kendra Siliguri - Siliguri 

Add: Seva Kendra, PO Pradhan Nagar 

Meghnath Saha Sarani Road 

Siliguri - 734403 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-353-2518154 



Contact: Mr. Don Bosco Lepcha 

Purpose: Agriculture, Disaster management, Education, Forestry, Health, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Seva Kendra works with the poor and marginalised people through different activities in different fields/aspects. Sewa Kendra also makes them aware on the present existing situation and technologies and self reliant through food security for the better livelihood. 



Sharda Devi Nevatia Foundation - Kolkata 

Add: 601   

Chowringhee Road 

Kolkata - 700020 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-22902981 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Anant Nevatia 

Purpose : Service to mankind 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Providing free medical aid and to run charitable hospital for the economic weaker section of the society mostly in rural area. 


Shibkali Nagar Welfare Society - Garia 

Add: Balia East 

NCN Road 

Garia - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-28676162 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Mono Mohan Bayen 

Purpose : Water, housing. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our objective are education,health, agriculture, rural development ie housing, sanitation, drinking water, road, etc, different training programme and awareness programme shg and income generation, women empowerment, emergency relief, etc. 


Shibkalinagar N Welfare Society - South 24 Parganas 

Add: Balia East, Nafar Chandra Naskar Road 


South 24 Parganas - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-28676162, 91-33-28676171 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Mono Mohan Bayen 

Purpose : Water & education. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : All round rural & urban development. 


Shobhana - Kolkata 

Add: 1-D-802 

Abhishikta Phase 2, Kalitala Road 

Kolkata - 700078 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097487 68471 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Shobhana 

Purpose : Imparting education to underprivileged girl child. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To help the underprivileged girl child population in India and make them realize their dreams true. 


Shuvi Janakalyan Sangha - South 24 Parganas 

Add: Shuvi, Aryapara 


South 24 Parganas - 743377 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24806726 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Swapna Paul 

Purpose : Rural People Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Inspired and motivated to take care for the less fortunate, the societies mission is the alleviation of human suffering – a lofty charge with endless possibilities. To translate this vast goal into manageable and meaningful day- to – day practice the board of directors has selected priority areas Upon which to focus its efforts Including basic Health Care Food security Economic Empowerment Blindness, Violence, Homelessness, and Substance Abuse. 


Silence - Calcutta 

Add: 398, Jodhpur Park 


Calcutta - 700068 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24730269 , 33-24131976 



Contact: Jahar Das Gupta 

Purpose: Disability, Rehabilitation 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The main objective of the organisation is socio-economic rehabilitation of the physically handicapped people. It is engaged in a self-help movement for those who can neither speak nor hear, yet aspire towards self-sufficiency. 



Simla Pal Socio Economic Welfare Association - Bankura 

Add: Simlapal   

Bankura - 722151 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3243-262287 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Samir Kr. Sikdar 

Purpose : Livlihood promotion & income generation 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To develop the social, educational, financial and environmental condition of the down-trodden people especially the women and the children. 


Sister Margaret Foundation - Kolkata 

Add: 3, Canal Street 

3rd Floor 

Kolkata - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-65683325 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Swaroop Bhattacharya, Indrajit Mukherjee 

Purpose : Free medical help to the needy and poorest. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission is to provide medical facilities, educational counseling and other rehabilitative services including upliftment of the poor, and destitutes 


Smile - Kolkata 

SMILE - Society Making Impellent Effort 

Add: 23/14, Gariahat Road 

Ground Floor 

Kolkata - 700029 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-33-24407219, 91-33-24112205   

Email : , 

Website : 

Contact Person : C.K. Mukherjee, B.N. Mitra 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To set up a hospital for the economically backward people and to organise health camps, seminar for being educated the common people in regard to disease and its prevention. 



Social Analysis And Value Emphasis - Amritadighi 

Add: Basu Nagar   

Amritadighi - 700129 

West Bengal 

Tel :   

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Nandini Roy 

Purpose : Child development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To eradicate child abuse, child labour, illiteracy and malnutrition among children of slum area. To conduct women empowerment programmes and organise income generation projects for distressed and needy women. 


Social Analysis And Value Emphasis - Kolkata 

Add: Basunagar 


Kolkata - 700129 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098307 35280 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Nandini Roy 

Purpose : Getting resource.   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To enable street and distressed children to get education, health and social security. To empower women providing education and income generation schemes. 


Social Synergy - Kolkata 

Add: Shyampur Sarkar Para   

Budge Budge 

Kolkata - 700137 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-099030 23156 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Prasenjit Sarkar 

Purpose : To promote social welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission and planned activity chart and to take up maintenance and up-keep of destitute, orphans, isolated elderly persons and of controlling water borne diseases 


Society Against Violence In Education - Kolkata 

SAVE - Society Against Violence in Education 

Add: Banamali Banerjee Road   

Kolkata - 700082 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098360 42919 

Email : , 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dr. K. Banerjee 

Purpose : To stop human rights violations in the name of ragging in institutions of eduction. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are trying to put an end to the violations of human rights abuses in the name of "ragging" in educational institutions. 

Ragging (in India) has ruined countless innocent lives and careers for ages. Only between 2000-2007, about 31 ragging deaths were reported by the Indian media. Many were injured and the number of those innocent teenagers who have been serious abused, physically and sexually, is virtually countless 


Society For Direct Initiative For Social And Health Action - Kolkata 

Add: 20/4, Seal Lane 

Kolkata - 700 015 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-23283989 



Contact: Sasanka Sekhar 

Purpose: Environment, Health, Human Rights 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation works in the field of environment, health and human rights. Important activities are on waste management, medical waste tretament and disposal, reduction of polythene bags etc. 


Society For Educational And Environmental Development - Howrah 

Add: 150 G T Road 

Howrah - 711 102 

West Bengal 

Tel: 26609102 



Contact: Md. Sadre Alam 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Environment, Health, Micro-enterprises, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Mission and Vision Statement: Education and integrated programme of development for underprivileged children in qualitative way leading the way to mainstreaming. A meaningful healthy future to street, slum and working children and their families in need regardless caste or creed. 


Society For Indian Childrens Welfare - Calcutta 

Add: 20 & 22, Colonel Biswas Road 

Beck Bagan 

Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22407110 



Contact: Swaran Chaudhry 

Purpose: Child welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SICW focuses on the rehabilitation and developmental work for the children. It provides various services to the needy children such as educational sponsorship, adoption and day care centres. It also takes up income generation activities for the poor women and children. 


Society For Student Empowerment Rights And Vision Through Education - Calcutta 

Add: SERVE Centre 

8, Bansi Dutta Road 

Calcutta - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22842218 



Contact: Brendan Mac Carthaigh 

Purpose: Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SERVE aims to alleviate the stress in school/college education structures currently responsible for numerous suicides and other evils. It tries to achieve this by encouraging a more student friendly education system and providing them psychological support. 


Society For The School Of Medical Technology - Kolkata 

Add: 24 

Girish Chandra Bose Road 

Kolkata - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092315 24246 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sibram Chakraborty 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide vocational training for lively hood development and promote health care including hiv awareness for under underprivileged through health camps and establishing permanent clinics. 


Socio Economic Development Organisation - Kolkata 

Add: 261   

Chittaranjan Avenue 

Kolkata - 700006 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094330 33358 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Dipankar Basu 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Through micro finance, encouraging the habit of savings for bad times and to make them self-reliant and to earn more, providing loans on easy ter. Arrangement of low cost insurance covers for better health care 


Socio Economic Development Programme - Calcutta 

Add: 65A, Mahatma Gandhi Road 

Calcutta - 700009 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22190554 , 33-22412742 



Contact: Pradip Kumar Chakraborty 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Disaster management, Education, Environment, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Training, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation focuses on updating the knowledge and skill of the people enabling them to analyse the problems and take decision concerning agriculture, animal resource development, pisciculture, community health, etc; making people aware of the impact of structural adjustment and new economic policy on the society; promoting sustainable income generating initiatives for the poor and marginalised people and establishing women as equal partners with men at all levels. 


Socio Legal Aid Research And Training Centre - Calcutta 

Add: P-112 

Lake Terrace 

Calcutta - 700 029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24646098 , 33-24665659 



Contact: Manabendra Mandal 

Purpose: Aged, Child welfare, Disability, Education, Employment, Grants/Aids, Health, Human Rights, Law, Population, Poverty, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SLARTC is a development organisation working in the field of human rights, rights of women, children, elderly people, trafficking and sexually exploited children and the disabled. It's other focus areas are environment, education, health, micro-credit, HIV/AIDS awareness, ethics and law. 


Sonar Bangla Bijnan Sanchar Gabesana Samiti - Kolkata 

Add: Sampriti, 349 Tentul Beria Road 

P.O. Garia 

Kolkata - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094333 04519 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Arnab Kumar Banerjee 

Purpose : Science communication & research 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Popularising science and technology communication and environmental issues among the youth and other sections of society and conducts research on scietific temperament and awareness. 


South Asian Foundation For Human Initiatives - Kolkata 

Add: 32/1 

Broad Street 

Kolkata 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-22830663, 91-33-22830742 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Amit Roy, President 

Purpose : Development of backward rural and urban areas. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote human initiatives in the fields of human resource development (scientific, technological, social and economic), basic needs (foods and nutrition, shelter, health, water and sanitation), income generation, marketing survey and linkup, area development (agriculture and rural development), designed to benefit the people and the society. To operate as a social service organisation, educational and training institution, research and consultancy agency for fostering human initiatives and overall growth and development to improve the quality of life in the backward areas. To promote and organise local institutions in the backward rural areas for fostering the spirit of self-reliance. 


Southern Health Improvement Samiti - South 24 Parganas 

Add: Shis 


South 24 Parganas - 743502 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3218-270245, 91-3218-271035 

Email : , 

Website : 

Contact Person : M.A. Wohab, Director 

Purpose : Ngos networking. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : To be the pioneer for resource centre assuring progress and success.   

Our vision is to achieve a value oriented sustainable society based on social - orientation, economic growth, local capacity building and empowerment of people for a complete social transformation.   

Our mission is to make the rural people aware about their health, education and basic rights, assist them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical know how. Guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in rural economy. 


Span - Kolkata 

SPAN - Society for Peoples Awareness 

Add: 87/11 

A.K. Mukherjee Road 

Kolkata - 700090 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-25319856, 91-33-25663709 

Email :, 

Website : 

Contact Person : Prabir Basu 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Span envisages an indian society, which is democratic, economically productive and equitable, socially just and environmentally sound. Span is guided by the mission to conduct an extensive, intensive and participatory sustainable development process through people’s empowerment. To ensure peoples’ right to information. To facilitate a process for people to understand the implications of the policies and programmes in respect to their reality. To facilitate a process for people to organise for participation and advocacy. People will be capacitate to identify the micro-issues and acknowledge resources in respect to address those issues. To facilitate a process of emerging leaders as proponents of the preceding causes and effects of micro actions. To facilitate a process of alliance building to support the micro actions. To help emerge an environment which will facilitate the pris and ulbs become transparent in it’s plans and actions. Peoples’ initiatives should get into an effective partnership with pris and ulbs. 


Spar - Kolkata 

PAR - Society for Participatory Action and Reflection 

Add: 49/53, Prience Gulam   

Muhammad Shah Road 

Kolkata - 700033 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24732980, 91-33-24734339 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Rabindranath Middey 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : SPAR collectively aspires for the society where people will be free from all sorts of exploitation and injustice. The society will be based on the values like peace, co-operation, gender equity, justice, equitable sharing of resource and participation. The society will have harmony with the nature. 

SPAR is a non-profit making voluntary organization committed to the cause of the poor people. It empowers scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, women, children, minority community and other backward community for realization of their entitlements. 

Strengthen the existing people's organizations for their own development and realization of their own entitlements. 

Enhance awareness of the community in regard to the nrega, rti, food, education and health rights. 

Make the people critically aware about the adverse effects of globalisation and causes of social peace lessness. 

Empower the women by strengthening their organizations and facilitating them for realization of their rights with major focus on child (girls) education, health and hygiene and role of women in panchayati raj institution/gram sabha. 

Promote livelihood options/food security and pris in the referral villages. 

Facilitate the grassroots organizations in their journey of development to ensure entitlement of their referral community. 

Capacitate the development actors on various issues like: food security/livelihood, societal peace, adverse effect of globalisation, water related policy, displacement and eviction. 

Capacitate the different types of vos/ngos/networks to make their efforts more congruent to the contextual need and to make them more competent to address the issues affecting life and livelihood of our people. 

Build alliance (lobby and advocacy) with compatible organisations/network/forums/pos at national and international level to combat the anti-people policy and measures and adverse impact of globalisation. 


Speed - Burdwan 

SPEED - Society for Peoples' Education Environment and Development 

Add: Meghnad Saha Pally 


Burdwan - 713104 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093323 17896 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Tapas Kumar Makar 

Purpose : To get fund for doing social work more professionally and widely. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The Speed - Society for peoples’ education environment and Development, is a NGO that aims to integrate people’s empowerment and development into the education, economy, environment and social development. Speed aims to endorse and care for international human rights and principles, strengthen civil society, and support citizens specially women and children, media, government, the private sector and other NGOs through advocacy, participation and activities. 


Sri Mayapur Vikas - Sangha 

Sri Mayapur Vikas Sangha - SMVS 

Add: Nadia   

Sri Mayapur - 741313 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3472-245253 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Bishnu Karmakar 

Purpose : Project partnership 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are a non-profit development organization based in Sri Mayapur village of India. Our main objective is to develop socio-economic condition of rural people through implement sustainable development program.   


Sri Mayapur Vikas Sangha - Nadia 

Add: Sri Mayapur 

Distt Nadia - 741313 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3472-245232/4 , 3472-245238 



Contact: Pancharatna Das 

Purpose: Education, Environment, Health, Poverty 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation primarily addresses to the issues on poverty alleviation, primary health care, vocational education and environment protection. 


Sri Ramkrishna Ashram - Nimpith 

Add: Nimpith Ashram   

Nimpith - 743338 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3218-226001 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Secretary 

Purpose : Recognation 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Socio economic development of Sundarbans, West Bengal. 


Srimayapur Vikash Sangha - Nadia 

Add: Sree Mayapur 

Iskcon Long Building, Mayapur 

Nadia - 741313 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-092323 50087 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Bholanath Poddar 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, micro finance, health, livelihood, etc. 


Sristee - Jalpaiguri 

Add: Babupara   

Jalpaiguri - 735101 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094745 87689 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Bhaskar Sarkar 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : Social justice, women empowerment, social documentation, catering to right to information, marching to fight against social evils like child labour, trafickking. 


Starve Prevent Foundation - Kolkata 

Add: 19, New Santoshpur   

Main Road 

Kolkata - 700075 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-098316 73789 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : R.G. Pal 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To prevent and eradicate poverty and starvation. We are a newly formed charitable organization. Presently working in two remote villages in West Bengal.   

Our main objective is to provide basic food (rice, dal, salt and cooking oil) to the poor people. 


Sugata Bhaumik Smriti Sanrakshan Samiti - Hooghly 

Add: 1, Golak Mushi Para 

College Road 

Hooghly - 712246 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-094324 20562 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sisir Chakraborty 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote education, health camps, financial assistance to poor students, health awareness, thaelasemia camps etc. 


Sulabh International Social Service Organisation - Calcutta 

Add: 29 B&C School Row 


Calcutta - 700025 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24553927 , 33-24551077 



Contact: Abhay Kumar Chaudhary 

Purpose: Environment, Sanitation 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SISSO works for the improvement of environmental sanitation in India. The organisation works in this sphere on cost effective basis. It's primary aim is to solve and resolve the sanitation problem. They construct and maintain the public toilets. 



Sulkuni Phanindra Student Sangha - North 24 Parganas 

Add: Sulkuni 

P.S. Hasnabad 

North 24 Parganas - 743426 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-093322 22661 



Contact: Tirthendu Maiti 

Purpose: Financial support 

Aim/Objective/Mission: We are a grassroot level social action group in north sundarban. We are working for the devlopment of educational, cultural, social and economic conditions of rural distressed people. 



Sundarban Bonomalipur Community Development And Research Centre - South 24 Parganas 

Add: Bonomalipur 


South 24 Parganas - 743336 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097489 64298 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Abhijit Das 

Purpose : Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission : All round rural development. 


Sundarika Bartika Daimond - Harbour 

Add: Sarisha 

Bose Pukur 

Daimond Harbour - 743368 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3174-244343 

Email : 

Website : http://www.sundarika 

Contact Person : Arunabha Biswas 

Purpose : Rural development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : All round rural development. 


Surul Centre For Services In Rural Area - Birbhum 

Add: Sangeet, Surul 


Birbhum - 731236 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-3463-264819 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Bratin Biswas 

Purpose : Development research and direct action for deprived people. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The vision of CSRA is to uplift the marginalised rural people and promote self governance with ever widening thought and action to move forward.   

The mission of CSRA is primarily dedicated to integrated rural development activities among the downtrodden and underprivileged rural peoples to restore their livelihood condition in a sustainable manner. 


Swadhina - Calcutta 

Add: 34/C, Bondel Road 

PO Ballygunge 

Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22406244 , 33-22470934 



Contact: Saswati Roy 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disaster management, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Sustainable Development, Tribal issues, Water, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Swadhina is engaged in generating awareness among the women on various issues and taking up small village level programmes enabling empowerment and self-reliance of women. It promotes non-formal education and awareness generation programmes on health and income generating projects. 


Swargiya Sunil Bihari Dastider Smritirakshya Samiti - Kolkata 


Kolkata - 700084 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24308042 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Ashim Kumar Dastider 

Purpose : Welfare 

Aim/Objective/Mission : A social welfare organisation for children and old aged disabled persons renders services as requisitioned by charitable units or indivutuals. 


Tagore Society For Rural Development - Kolkata 

Add: 46 B 

Arabinda Sarani 

Kolkata - 700005 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-25552433 , 33-25554391 



Contact: Tushar Kanjilal 

Purpose: Agriculture, Rural Development, Sanitation 

Aim/Objective/Mission: TSRD aims at organising comprehensive development programmes encompassing economic, social and ideological aspects of human life and involving people at the grassroots in planning, decision making and implementation of the programme. The main objectives behind the activities executed by the organisation include increasing the economic viability of the poor and sub-marginal families through improved agriculture and exploration of alternative income sources; improving health status; providing educational facilities; empowering women and preparing community for disaster management. 


Tapan Karmodyog Samstha Dakshin - Dinajpur 

Add: Vill &Post Office Tapan 

Dist. Dakshin Dinajpur - 733127 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3521-252241 



Contact: Goutam Kumar Pande 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Food and Nutrition, Health, Micro-enterprises, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Training, Tribal issues, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Vision – 1) Economic, Social and Cultural up–liftment of all section of people 2) Health and Education for all 3) Safe Drinking water and environment Mission – 1) to implement various income generating and development programmes 2) to develop the status of women by organising mahila manadalis 3) to work for the protection and promotion of environment 4) to establish education centres for all 5) to make people aware of their rights and various development programmes of the government 6) to develop and provide mother and childcare, immunisation, health education and other family welfare methods 7) shelter for all 


Teach - Kolkata 

TEACH - The Educators Assisting Children Hopes 

Add: 25 

Dumdum Road 

Kolkata - 700074 

West Bengal   

Tel : 91-33-25483046 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sajit Krishnan Kutty   

Purpose : 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Art and culture, children, disabled, education, environment, health, nutrition, slums, vocational training, water, women. 


Tews - Kolkata 


Add: CZ, 27-A 

Metropolitan Cooperative Housing Society 

Kolkata - 700105 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093322 48408 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sanjay Sinha 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide education to the remote areas, aware about health, develop the lifestyle of street children. 


The Indian Vegetarian Congress - Calcutta 

Add: 46, Strand Road, Third Floor 

Calcutta - 700007 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22385449 , 33-22326572 



Contact: Chiranjee Lal Bagra 

Purpose: Education, Environment, Forestry 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation focuses on promotion of ahimsa, vegetarianism and animal protection through humane education. It aims at peaceful co-existence of man, animal and nature 


The Science Association Of Bengal - Barisha 

Add: 104, Diamond Harbour Road 

P.O. Barisha - 700 008 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-033-24960312 , 033-28370121 



Contact: Dr Subhabrata Roychaudhari 

Purpose: Environment, Media, Science and Technology 

Aim/Objective/Mission: SCB aims at popularising science and technology and environmental issues among the youth and other sections of society and conducts research on scietific temperament and awareness 


The Society For Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services - Kolkata 

Add: 36 Bally Gunge Circular Road 

Kolkata - 700 019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24767196 



Contact: Mr Pradip Kumar Jana 

Purpose: Agriculture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Employment, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Labour, Population, Rural Development, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The society S.C.R.S. is a premier NGO and a nodal agency in India duly sponsored by Govt. of West Bengal and Kolkata Municipal Corp. engaged in the field of rehabilitation of handicapped persons. This society had received Highest State Award in 1996 from the Governor of West Bengal and prestigious National Award from the President of India in 1997 for outstanding performances in the welfare of the people with disabilities. The Society have provided full time employment of approx. 235 people with disabilities through its exiting 40 nos., multi-discipline handicapped rehabilitation projects. The society dreams that some day will come when no person will suffer for being disabled. 


The Wave Of Environment - Midnapore 

Add: The Wave of Environment 


Midnapore - 721101 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3222-263859 



Contact: Mriganka S. Roy 

Purpose: Agriculture, Environment, Forestry 

Aim/Objective/Mission: This organisation aims at enhancing afforestation, soil conservation, land use planning , preservation of flora and fauna, control of air and water pollution, education and training. 



Think Tank For Manpower Development And Consumer Awareness - Calcutta 

Add: Flat D-2 

Bhalobasha Apartment 

Calcutta - 700040 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24110446 



Contact: Anindya Bhattacharya 

Purpose: Consumer issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Think-Man aims at combining the human resource development with the quality aspects of civil society through awareness generation on consumer issues. The primary focus of the organisation is to resolve consumer issues. It identifies the problems and encourages public mobilisation. 


Thoughtshop Foundation - Calcutta 

Add: 2G, Maurya Centre 

48, Gariahat Road 

Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24640904 , 33-24640059 



Contact: Mira Kakkar 

Purpose: Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Thoughtshop Foundation provides research-based, professionally designed and socially conscious communication to promote public health and welfare. It has extensive experience in health issues with specialized training in sexual and reproductive health issues concerning young people. 


Tiljala Education And Welfare Society - Kolkata 

Tiljala Education and Welfare Society (TEWS) 

Add: CZ/27-A 

Metropolitan Housing Society 

Kolkata - 700105 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-093309 33957 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Sayed Sadaruddin 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : A group of young dedicated and committed social workers, have been doing gigantic tasks by their best effort for a long time. To uplift the condition of the squatter and slum dwellers in all respect through education, health, nutrition, vocational training and self-employment programme. To aware people about the basic rights. To develop the children and women through welfare projects. To buildup healthy families for an environment friendly society. To alleviate the suffering of the underprivileged section of the urban & rural communities. To meet the greater urban challenges like city waste disposal system improvement, rehabilitation of child labour from hazardous occupation, mainstreaming of street children and enabling local community based organization to further enhancement the objective of TEWS. 


Tiljala Society For Human And Educational Development - Calcutta 

Add: 6C Rifle Range Road 


Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22802681 , 33-22806104 / 22805819 



Contact: M. D. Alamgir 

Purpose: Child welfare, Development(General), Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Grants/Aids, Health, Human Rights, Poverty, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: A community based organisation working to promote solution to different problems of the slum. Squatter and pavement dwellers, and addressing new challenges of the urban poor especial vulnerable children and women. 


Tolly Gunge Vivekananda Seva Sansthan - Kolkata 

Add: 237, Deshapran Sashmal Road   


Kolkata - 700033 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24731517 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Saikat Bakshi, Secretary 

Purpose : Volunteering 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The Tolly Gunge Vivekananda Seva Sansthan (henceforth tvss), formerly vivekananda avaitanik pathadan kendra is a foundation, established in 1995, dedicated to serve the students and general public belonging to economically backward section of the society.   

The sansthan is founded on the ideology of Swami Vivekananda and Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna and its motto is siva jnane jiva seva, that is to serve man as god along with imparting man making and character building education.   

The sansthan was primarily established for providing free coaching for poor students. Over time, however, the sansthan expanded its activities by establishing a text book bank and providing the poor students with text books required in their respective schools. The organization also arranges for medical treatment for students when they are ill.   

Presently, the institution is operating through its main branch and 2 other branches dedicated in catering to the educational needs of the students studying between class I to class XII and subsequently the graduation and post-graduation levels.   

Currently, 15 eminent teachers of various schools and colleges as well as young educated volunteers spare their valuable time to provide tutelage to for the poor students. Some students of higher classes of this institution are involved in teaching primary school children at the 2 branch centers of the organization. 


Tollygunge Women In Need - Kolkata 

Add: 4-C 

Dr.Radha Gobinda Nath Sarani 

Kolkata - 700033 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24225897 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Arun Kr. Basu 

Purpose : Child education, IHP for women, rch, micro saving. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The organisation focusses on child education, income generation for women,Reproductive and Child Health, Microsaving,adult education etc. 



Tomorrows Foundation - Kolkata 

Add: 417 

Hossen Pur 

Kolkata - 700107 

West Bangal   

Tel : 91-033-24431520, 91-098300 82618 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Anita Banerjee, Ashish Roy 

Purpose : Deprived urban children, adolescents, women, community development, education , vocational training   

Aim/Objective/Mission : To improve the quality of life. To ensure child rights. 


Tripurapur Milan Tirtha - Kolkatta 

Add: Tripurapur 



West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-24700741 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Soumen Kayal 

Purpose : Social works. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Social works. 


Turning Point - Calcutta 

Add: 27, Jadavpur East Road 

Calcutta - 700032 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24123660 



Contact: Ishita Sanyal 

Purpose: Disability, Health 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The organisation works for the welfare of the people suffering from Schizophrenics. It aims to improve their quality of life and re-establish their social contact with the outside world. 


Uday Swanirbhar Kalyan Samiti - Dinajpur 

Add: Fulbari Buridighi 


Dinajpur - 733140 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-097331 48731, 91-094343 05581 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Rupa Chhetri 

Purpose : Register us for work and assistance thereof in helping develop of rural people, their health and SHGs. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : We are regd ngo work in remote rural area within poors. All members are bpl women having vast experience about rural India. working for shgs and bpl poors. 


Universal Welfare Society - Hooghly 

Add: Mrasanta Das   

Near Manna Sweets 

Hooghly - 712138 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-33-28786393 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Subhajit Pakira   

Purpose : Rural Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Income generation and rural development through NABARD programmes by setting up SHGs and Farmers\'s Clubs among rural population. 

Awareness generation on HIV/AIDS and related issues along with go for the testing. 

Proper referral services for PLHA to improve their quality of lives and prolong their lives. 

Providing free treatment facilities and help to practice regular health check support. 


Vam - Bardhaman 

VAM - Vatipota Alms Mission 

Add: Nivedita Pally   

Chhinamasta Kalibary Sripally 

Bardhaman - 713166 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-342-6451092 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : Arun Chakraborty 

Purpose :   

Aim/Objective/Mission : VAM is dedicated towards the betterment of the standard of living of the people who belong under poverty line through self-empowerment programme and income generating activities. 


Vivekananda Adibasi Kalyan Samity - Bankura 

Add: Vill.& P.O. Chamtagara 

PS Chatna 

Dist. Bankura - 722137 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-3242-274202 , 3242-250767 



Contact: Anath Saren 

Purpose: Child welfare, Disability, Education, Health, Rehabilitation, Sanitation, Training, Tribal issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: VAKS is engaged in various activities relating to the welfare of the tribal people. The services provided by the organisation include condensed course of education for the drop out SC/ST girls, economic rehabilitation of healthy children of parents having leprosy, socio-economic rehabilitation of destitute tribal women, integrated educational programme for the visually handicapped children and vocational training for the hearing handicapped. It also runs a handicapped rehabilitation centre. Pre-natal care, eye operation camps, empowerment of community on health and nutrition, child and women health programme, construction of rural sanitation programme are some of it's programmes in the field of health. 


Vivekananda Education Society - Kolkata 

Add: 13/3, Kalicharan Dutta Road 

Kolkata - 700 061 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24680365 , 33-24680364 



Contact: Chandan Gopal Chandra 

Purpose: Development(General), Education, Environment, Health, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: VES is a non-profit organisation working in the social development sector with the main objective of promoting education. It works for the empowerment of the underprivileged and aspires for a society based on humanitarian principles. To fulfill its aim, the society runs educational institutions and disseminates information through publishing reports and conducting seminars 



Vivekananda Nidhi - Kolkata 

Add: 149/1E Rashbehari Avenue 

1st Floor 

Kolkata - 700 029 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24643766 , 33-24642730 



Contact: Mr R K Bhattacharya 

Purpose: Art and culture, Education, Environment, Sustainable Development 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Vivekananda Nidhi, a Public Charitable Trust recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India, as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, was established in February 1980 by the Late Swami Yuktananda, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order. Since 1981, when the then Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi, delivered the keynote Address in the first ever national seminar on ‘Vocational Orientation in Human Problem Solving’, the Nidhi has been working in the filed of Value Orientation, Environmental education and Ecological Ethics. All its activities – researches, seminars, workshops, panel discussions, courses, programmes in search of excellence – are geared to make people aware of values and condition actions accordingly. Vivekananda Nidhi focuses on the traditional concept of oneness of Indian wisdom for creating a sustainable community, which is now condoned by modern science and ecological ethics. Although centred in India, the Nidhi has a world-wide vision. 


Voice Of People - 24 Pgs South 

Voice of People - 24 Pgs (South) 

Add: AT Spandan 

Nutan Diyarah, P.O. Nayabad 

Distt. 24 Pgs.(South), So - 743369 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24625951 , 33-22479163 



Contact: Swapan Basu Mallick 

Purpose: Development(General), Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: VOP is engaged in overall development of the society through promotion of grass-roots initiatives. It also mobilizes the proper use of human resources in various developmental activities including allowing rural women to participate in local community decision making. 



West Bengal Council Of Women - Kolkata 

Add: 145-B Sarat Bose Road 

Kolkata - 700 026 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 24768945 



Contact: Dipali Sen 

Purpose: Education, Food and Nutrition, Health, Micro-enterprises, Population, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Training, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: A social welfare organisation working for the underprivileged and distressed sectors of the society since 1918. Affiliated to the National Council of Women and through it to ‘International Council of Women’. It works for the development of omen and children through vocational training, education, family planning, health and sanitation. 


West Bengal Gandhi Peace Foundation - Calcutta 

Add: West Bengal Gandhi Peace Foundation 

C/O Sarvodaya Karyalaya 

Calcutta - 700007 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22413912 



Contact: Gopal Das Mukherjee 

Purpose: Development(General), Disadvantaged communities, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: WBGPF promotes and preaches the ideals of Gandhi; works for improving the condition of the poor and down trodden and attempts at maintaining peace and harmony i 


West Bengal Human Rights Commission - Calcutta 

Add: Bhabani Bhaban 

2nd Floor, Alipore 

Calcutta - 700027 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24799618 , 33-24799633 



Contact: Kamalakar Mishra 

Purpose: Human Rights 

Aim/Objective/Mission: WBHRC protects and promotes human rights. It undertakes legal battles on human rights issues so that people can live with dignity. It publishes reports for creating awareness. 


West Bengal Voluntary Health Association - Kolkata 

Add: 19-A 

Dr. Sundari Mohan Avenue 

Kolkata - 700014 

West Bengal 

Tel : 91-033-22897754, 91-033-22843083 

Email : 

Website : 

Contact Person : D.P. Poddar 

Purpose : Networking, Information of funding agency 

Aim/Objective/Mission : The vision statement of WBVHA is Create positive attitude in the minds of the people with special reference to west Bengal irrespective of caste, creed and religion. 

Adopt multi factorial approach to facilitate primary health, well being and family welfare with right duty, dignity and social justice at all level of medical and social health. 

Work together to make health a reality by reducing mortality, morbidity and burden of diseases with the active involvement and participation of people having focus to poor and marginalized. 

Improve optimal health, quality and meaning of life, free from stigma, discrimination, human bondage and social injustice. 


William Carey Study And Research Centre - Kolkata 

Add: 14/2 Sudder Street 

Kolkata - 700 016 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-22493554 , 33-22493686 



Contact: Mr S K Chatterjee 

Purpose: Child welfare, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Human Rights, Media, Minorities, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Tribal issues, Urban Development, Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Our mission/vision A different world is possible Our mission is to create an equitable and just world without caste, class and gender discrimination through social and cultural action. Through the above action we aim to provide awareness to the weaker sections f our society namely dalits, tribals and women and more particularly women who are amongst these communities. We strive to uphold the secular structure our society and fight against growing evils like communalism and communal violence. 


Womens Co Ordinating Council - Kolkata 

Add: 5/1, Redcross Place 

Kolkata - 700 062 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 22489732 , 33 24748490 



Contact: Mrs Aloka Mitra 

Purpose: Aged, Child welfare, Disaster management, Education, Health, Law 

Aim/Objective/Mission: The aims and objectives of the Women’s Co-ordinating Council are – a) To co-ordinate the activities of women’s social organisations engaged in the work of relief and welfare. b) To organise devastation relief work. c) To focus attention on issues of urgent national interest. To organise, set-up, construct, run homes and other institutions for men, women and children. 



Womens Friendly Society - Kolkata 

Add: 29 Park LAne 

Kolkata - 700 016 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91 33 22295285 



Contact: Mrs Preeti Roy 

Purpose: Art and culture, Employment, Training 

Aim/Objective/Mission: Women’s Friendly Society is one of India’s oldest charitable institutions. Housed in an old Victorian building, it is self-supportive & aims to uplift women to live with dignity & self-respect. Underprivileged women of all castes and religion produce beautiful hand embroidered linen, children’s clothes, ladies wear etc. The sale proceeds of these supports the establishment, train the women to embroider and help these poor women with children’s education, free meals, medical care, old age and retirement benefits 


Womens Sahayog - Kolkata 

Add: 19 B 

Jawaharlal Nehru Road 

Kolkata - 700087 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-033-22492164 

Email: women's_sahayog@hotmail com 


Contact: Ms Kusum Jain 

Purpose: Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: WS aims to bring out a change in the attitudes, which are prejudiced and inimical towards both man and women. This is achieved by creating an awareness about inequality inherent in the patriarchal structure of our society where gender defined roles of masculinity and femininity entraps both sexes and effect their interaction in terms of inequality that works against the interest of both the sexes. Its main area of focus would be counselling, gender equality, dealing with family cases, domestic violence and gender sensitisation 


World Wide Fund For Nature India - Calcutta 

Womens Sahayog - Kolkata 

Add: 19 B 

Jawaharlal Nehru Road 

Kolkata - 700087 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-033-22492164 

Email: women's_sahayog@hotmail com 


Contact: Ms Kusum Jain 

Purpose: Women's issues 

Aim/Objective/Mission: WS aims to bring out a change in the attitudes, which are prejudiced and inimical towards both man and women. This is achieved by creating an awareness about inequality inherent in the patriarchal structure of our society where gender defined roles of masculinity and femininity entraps both sexes and effect their interaction in terms of inequality that works against the interest of both the sexes. Its main area of focus would be counselling, gender equality, dealing with family cases, domestic violence and gender sensitisation 



Yezdani Help Mission - Howrah 

Add: 30 - 4   

Noor Md Munshi Lane   

Howrah - 711101 

West Bangal 

Tel : 91-33-26382160, 91-099038 75659 

Email : 

Website :   

Contact Person : Ali Yazdani 

Purpose : To arrange for free-medical facilities to the poor and needy people by the qualified and experience. 

Aim/Objective/Mission : Yezdani Help Mission is a small education charity based in the Tikiapara part of town wit such areas of Howrah District in West Bengal, India, it started operating in 2008, and helps over 200 children’s. It is running by Ali Yazdani, who grew up in the District and works part – time as a school librarian. The Tikiapara has traditionally been a poor people, drug peddling den, with many problems.   

Our school is helping poor women and children to become educated and self-reliant to help the community to become healthy and strong.   

The objects for which society is established are.   

To help needy and backward classes students of all communities by way of free distribution of books, copy and other articles for their education. 

To observe the birthday of the great men of the country. Red letter days Puja etc in order to uplift the morality of the people. 

To create awareness for the demand of functional health services for the promotion of humanity. 

To support and promote culture activities through drama, dance drama, song, dance, music and cultural programmers and function. 

To do all social welfare Activities including public health and other development works of the locality. 

To impart and develop social awareness among the illiterate women and men by organizing awareness camp from time to time. 

To impart job-oriented vocational trading and education to all section of the society. 

Impart and develop pollution awareness among the people by way of tree planting, garbage removing, proclaiming about pollution etc. 

To help the needy people in marriage, funeral and cremation of dead. 


Young Mens Welfare Society - Calcutta 

Young Men's Welfare Society - Calcutta 

Add: 100 B, Karaya Road 

Calcutta - 700019 

West Bengal 

Tel: 91-33-24010744 , 33-24019201 



Contact: Shourabh Mukerji 

Purpose: Education 

Aim/Objective/Mission: YMWS mainly focuses on the educational needs of the poor needy children who though interested in studies do not get the opportunity to study. 


All Bengal Renal Failure And Transplant Welfare Association - Kolkata 

All Bengal Womens Union - Kolkata 

All India Council For Mass Education And Development - Kolkata 

All India Womens Conference East Calcutta Constituency - Kolkata 

All India Womens Conference - Kolkata 

All Bengal Mass Education And Development Association - Calcutta 

Anisha Counselling Centre - Kolkata 

Anugyalaya Darjeeling Diocese Social Service Society - Darjeeling 

Asansol Jeevan Ka Aadhar - Asansol 

Association For Conservation And Tourism - Darjeeling 

Association For Social Health In India - Calcutta 

Association Of Relief And Community Aid - Kolkata 

Association Of Voluntary Blood Donors - Calcutta 

Avant Garde - Darjing 

Bangiya Unnayan Parishad - Calcutta 

Barasat Swabalambi Protibandhi Sangathan - Barasat 

Bastion - Hooghly 

Birbhumir Grameen Unnayan Society - Birbhum 

Barnamala Educatinal And Cultural Society Paschim - Medinipur 

Barnamala Educational And Cultural Society - Kharagpur 

Barnamala Educational And Cultural Society - Medinipur 

Basirhat Binapani Development Society - North 24 Parganas 

Bengal Service Society - Kolkata 

Best Friendz Society - Kolkata 

Bprachesta - Kolkata 

Bress - Kolkata 

Calcutta Avant Garde - Calcutta 

Calcutta Foundation - Kolkata 

Calcutta Kids Trust - Howrah 

Calcutta Urban Service - Kolkata 

Care And Counselling Centre - Kolkata 

Care Home - Kolkata 

Cathedral Relief Service - Calcutta 

Centre For Built Environment - Kolkata 

Centre For Care Of Torture Victims - Kolkata 

Chanchal Jana Kalyan Samiti - Malda 

Chatta Begum Rokeya Educational Society - Calcutta 

Consumers Action Forum - Kolkata 

Contai Al Hadi Mission - Contai 

Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere - Calcutta 

Dakshin Barasat Eye Foundation - Dakshin Barasat 

Deep Annita Braille Institute - Kolkata 

Indian Institute Of Cerebral Palsy - Kolkata 

Indian Science Congress Association - Calcutta 

Indian Institute For Nature And Environment Studies - Barasat 

Indian Institute Of Training And Development - Kolkata 

Indian Mime Theatre - Kolkata 

Indian Peoples Welfare Society - Howrah 

Indian Rural Medical Association - Calcutta 

Indian Social Action And Research Association - Kolkata 

Institute For Development Education And Action - Howrah 

Institute For Motivating Self Employment - Calcutta 

Institute For The Handicapped And Backward People - Kolkata 

Institute Of Allied Health Sciences - Kolkata 

Institute Of Factual Theater Arts - Kolkata 

Institute Of Psychological And Educational Research - Kolkata 

Institute Of Social Work - Calcutta 

International Mass Awareness Programme - Kolkata 

Lighthouse For The Blind - Calcutta 

Living Stone Ministries Trust - Darjeeling 

Mandra Lions Club Purulia - Mandra 

Manovikas Kendra Rehabilitation And Research Institute For The Handicapped - Kolkata 

Nikhil Bharat Banabasi Panchayat - Midnapore 

Prerak Support For Cancer Fighters – Kolkata



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