Non-Dual Consciousness and Saint Vivekananda

🙏🙏🙏🙏 Dual and NonDual existence of beings ....Vivekananda progressed through his life as a proponent of duality of existence - self and the God ...Then through the rigorous introspection and scriptural search , took the Adi-Shankaracharya's path of Adaiyabad ( non-dualism) where every search ends at self - me as the manifestation of super consciousness , the Brahman. Ramakrishna's Kali idol worship was a medium to reach the inner state of consciousness - samadhi - the state of bliss. Vivekananda began his life as an atheist and when came in contact with Ramakrishna , he attained a sudden state of bliss, when one day Thakur touched his chest with his foot. And he cried , ' aa tumi ki korle,Thakur !' That day Vivek attained a near bliss state - only the rarest of beings are tuned to attain such state even without going through the painstaking method of Progress ( - a process of disciplined living and following meditatio...