Bengali's chouda Sag on Bhoot-Chaturdashi


An ancient ritual of eating fourteen leafy vegetables( the chodda Sag ) on the day of Chaturdashi in the month of Kartika exist among the people of Bengal, residing in the eastern region of South Asia. The day falls ahead of the Amabashya night - when Ma Kali is worshipped

The chouda Sag whose cooking and serving as a main item in day time main meal has been practised since ages. The name of these vegetables is Helencha ba hinche sak, ooal pata ba sak,mankochu pata, kulekhara ba kule sak, beto sag, sorshe sak, guloncho sag, jayanti sak, ghetu sag ba vhat pata, keu sak, sushni sak,sanji ba santi sag( another name borma sag), kalmegh and neem pata.

The sags are consumed not for warding off unholy spirits from the home but for improving immunity from various diseases with the arrival of the winter season.

The health benefits of these leaves can make you take note of the insight of our ancestors in discovering the benefits of eating certain plants.

1. Blood purifier and mental stress buster (Helencha ba hinche sak)

2. Rheumatic and other body pain reducer(ooal pata ba sak)

3. Same as 2(mankochu pata,)

4. Increase hemoglobin and helps in high blood pressure(kulekhara ba kule sak)

5. Improves liver function and improves digestion (beto sag)

6.potasium and calcium, improve the bone condition (sorshe sak)

7. For immunity (guloncho sag)

8. Immunity against bad bacteria (jayanti sak)

9. Kills the worms and pitti nasok *1(ghetu sag ba vhat pata)

10. Help in situation like Decentry, indigestion and removes worms. (Keu sag ba pata)

11. Cool the nerve, improves sleep quality, help in 'Mrigi' disease ( sushni sag)

12. Improves apetite, improves condition of taste buds after any serious disease ( Sarji ba santi sag )

13. Used for complex Jaundice condition, destroys small worms , improves liver function (kalmegh pata)

14. Blood purifier, removes rashes and any infection on the skin ( neem leave)


Symptoms of Pitta Dosha (Imbalance)

Physical Symptoms

  • Increased hunger and/or thirst
  • Infection
  • Greying and/or loss of hair
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Giddiness and/or migraines
  • Hot flashes and want for substances that have a cooling effect on the body
  • Bad breath/body odour
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea upon missing meals
  • Insomnia
  • A balanced pitta dosha fosters the ability to pursue intentions and goals, increased focus, problem-solving abilities, and confidence.


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